Chamonix, France, 1035 MASL: 70 cm of snowfall! The highest early snowfall since 1965, higher than the legendary year 2012! Pyrenees 3 meters in 2293 MASL (1 month earlier than the previous 3 m record)!

Only in the last article, we were informed about the record snow situation in Pyreneés, France, and Spain and the next blizzards on way /
Only 5 days after this article, some parts of Pyreneés report extreme 3 meters of snowfall, and parts of southwestern France and northern Spain hit deadly floods (Tweets below).
Meanwhile, extreme snowfall is reported from Chamonix, the Alps, France – 70 cm on 10. December 2021, which is the second-highest value since the year 1959 (85 cm on 10.12. 1965) and it’s more than on 10. December 2012 (62 cm – 2012 was a legendary year).
From Gua dans le Vercors, the French Alps, 1646 MASL, 1,63 meters of snowfall is reported (a new early-season record).
In the Pyrenees is the situation very similar: In Haute Ariègem, French Pyreneés, 2293 MASL, 3 meters of snow were only on 10. December 2021 measured.
In the first half of winter, according to graphs from Météo France, never has been so high snow cover in the first half of winter! It means, that records from mid-January were broken already on 10. December, more than a month earlier, and in the case of strong winter, it should be a record year.
From the next stations from Pyrenees, Iraty, only 1327 m reported 144 cm (broken record 131 cm from December 1982), Arette, 1650 m reported (broken record 100 cm from December 1990 and 2020).
Although, until cca 10. January 2022, blocking pattern is possible, between 10.-30. January 2022 probably will come NAO+, which brings cold, but dry weather above the southern half of Europe /
Snowfall records in the regions should therefore continue during Christmas and New Year 2021-2022 when the next extremely cold period in Europe and a possible peak of Winter 2021/2022 is forecasted.

Extraordinaire : la barre des 3 mètres de #neige est franchie ce soir dans les Pyrénées, en Haute Ariège, à la nivose de l'Hospitalet, 2293 m. C'est la première fois qu'on *mesure* une couche de 3 mètres en décembre dans les Pyrénées ! (voire en France ??)
— Francois Jobard (@Francois_Jobard) December 10, 2021
Look at this. The Cabrales cheese is aging in a cave in Northern Spain and they had to dig through snow to get to them. What dedication!
— Ethel Crowley (@ethelcrowley2) December 10, 2021
— Météo-France (@meteofrance) December 10, 2021
🌧#Pluie encore près des #Pyrénées , de – en – marquées. Limite pluie neige remonte.
🏔Risque avalanche fort sur Pyrénées et nord Alpes.
☀️Soleil près méditerranée, vent fort.
⛅️Ailleurs ciel + ou – nuageux, rares précipitations.
📸Seythenex (74) @infoclimat
❄️🗻 #Enneigement record pour décembre, toutes alt. et quasi-totalité des #Pyrénées, excepté massifs P.O.
— Météo-France (@meteofrance) December 10, 2021
10/12 :
📊#PyrénéesAtlantiques :
Iraty 1327 m (poste ouvert depuis 51 ans) : 144 cm, 131cm déc. 1982.
Arette 1650 m (depuis 37 ans) : 105 cm,
100cm déc. 1990 et 2020.
– A la station le Gua dans le #Vercors, les 1,63 m de ce vendredi matin constitue une valeur record jamais observée en 25 ans de mesures (précédent record explosé car de 82 cm le 10 décembre 2008).
— Météo-France (@meteofrance) December 10, 2021
Il va faire beau ce WE et la neige est présente (importants cumuls accompagnés de vent). Risque de 4/5 (Alpes du Nord et de nombreux massifs des Pyrénées) pour demain : risque MAXIMAL pour les skieurs. En dehors des zones sécurisées, restez LOIN des pentes (supérieures à 30°).
— ANENA (@ANENA38) December 10, 2021
🔴 2 dpts en #vigilanceRouge
— VigiMétéoFrance (@VigiMeteoFrance) December 10, 2021
🔶 7 dpts et l'Andorre en #vigilanceOrange
Restez informés sur
#Crues #pyreneesatlantiques
— Météo-France (@meteofrance) December 10, 2021
Crue Gave de Pau
📽️Laroin (64), Alexis Berthelot (FB)#vigilancerouge
🔶#Crues #vigilanceOrange #Pyrénées
— Météo-France (@meteofrance) December 10, 2021
D'une manière générale, ce vendredi matin, les maxima sont atteints ou proches sur les parties amont des bassins, tandis que les crues commencent à se propager vers les parties situées plus à l'aval.
📸#Bayonne, Les photos de Carmé (Fb).
#France #Bayonne submerged by the #river in flood
— Donato Yaakov Secchi (@doyaksec) December 10, 2021
Flash flood submerges southern French villages, fields #France #environment #flood #floods #flooding #floodings #flashflood #flashflooding
— Dragofix (@Dragofix) September 17, 2021
It's not Siberia in Russia! ⚠️ Scary snow storm hits Portalet, Formigal in Spain
— #كابتن_غازي_عبداللطيف (@CaptainGhazi) December 7, 2021
Winter covers Spain. Snow storm covers Benasque in Spain #snow #snowfall #snowstorm #winter #blizzard
— Aleksander Onishchuk (@Brave_spirit81) December 9, 2021
Severe flooding in Navarra, northern Spain, due to melting snow and heavy rains.
— Kees van der Leun (@Sustainable2050) December 11, 2021
▶️The heavy rains which have swamped northern Spain were accompanied by the thawing of snow at higher altitudes, causing rivers to rise rapidly, engulfing cars and flooding homes.
— Climate Change World Media Newshub 24/7 (@GNewshub) December 13, 2021
. via @FRANCE24
Spain urges holidaymakers to head home early due to snow and strong wind warnings
— News 100 Media (@xedipiworos) December 12, 2021
Calma y espectáculo después de la tormenta de nieve en @baqueira_beret #ValdAran Val d’Aran #Spain #snow
— Javier Juncadella 🇪🇺 (@JavierJuncadell) December 11, 2021
— loveworld (@LoveWorld_Peopl) December 10, 2021
Snow level is already 20cm/0.6 ft in the capital of Val d'Aran region, in Pyrenean City of #Vielha.#BreakingNews #Snow #Neige #Nieve #Schneefall