A peak of Winter for Central Europe: It looks like an interval -25/-30°C!

Already in the last articles, we announced the next very long and extremely cold period in Europe /https://mkweather.com/scandinavia-with-2-chances-for-40-45c-around-10-and-20-january/; https://mkweather.com/central-europe-expects-a-10-day-coldwave-it-will-start-in-5-days-and-brings-20c-temperatures-and-lower-almost-every-day/; https://mkweather.com/eastern-europe-25c-with-2-peaks-of-severe-winter-11-14-and-18-21-january-2022/; https://mkweather.com/the-next-peak-of-winter-for-turkey-east-with-30c-and-northern-middle-east-frosts-and-snowing-below-1000-masl-after-15-january-2022/; https://mkweather.com/12-days-of-severe-frosts-for-italy-15c-apennines-25c-alps-and-balkan-20c-carpathians-25c-dinaric-mountains/; https://mkweather.com/spain-10c-and-portugal-5c-with-a-long-term-10-day-coldwave-ahead/; https://mkweather.com/france-20c-benelux-15c-10-days-of-severe-frosts-ahead-start-already-in-5-days/; https://mkweather.com/british-islands-10-days-of-severe-frosts-ahead-start-already-in-5-days//.
Now it appears, that it should be really a peak of Winter 2021/2022, because GFS outputs are even more aggressive, with a possibility of the coldest measured temperature of this winter in many parts of Europe.
In the next 4 articles, we will look at Central Europe, Europe (all regions), snow forecast for Europe, and AER forecast for Europe related to upcoming coldwaves.
In this article, we will look at Central Europe – outputs of GFS are currently much colder than in previous days, with a possibility of lower temperatures, such were measured below 1000 MASL in Poland after Christmas 2021 (-24,9°C: https://mkweather.com/the-lowest-temperature-of-the-winter-2021-2022-in-europe-in-poland-czarny-dunajec-249c-so-far-mid-latitudes-below-1000-masl/)
It appears that temperature in Central European frost basins and valleys should stop somewhere between -25/-30°C in the period 19.-24. January 2022 (already in 10 days!).
Practically all forecast models expect in the next period severe coldwave and the possible peak of Winter 2021/2022.
Maximum temperatures will be in many regions below 0°C, in the coldest ones rarely below -10°C (Arctic days).
The temperature in 850 hPa only in the interval -15/-20°C is above southern and eastern parts of Central Europe forecast.
Blizzards are possible mainly in the Alps, the Carpathians, and Poland, similarly such as parts of Eastern Europe and Balkan.
In the Carpathians, the Alps, and Czechian Massif it should be more than 50 cm of snow, large parts of Poland should receive 10-40 cm.
The upcoming peak of winter should bring the life-threatening potential for people practicing long-term outdoor activities, the virological situation should be worsened, blizzards should bring power outages and delays in travel.
The temperature should drop below -20°C rarely already in the next days (Rokytská Slať, Czechia reported almost -20°C already on 7. January 2022) – Mkweather will watch it and brings information about possible temperature records from all Europe, soon.

Minimum temperatures in Central Europe between 19.-24. January 2022. Source: wetterzentrale.de

Source: wxcharts.com

Expected snowfall. Source: tropicaltidbits.com (9.1.2022 00Z)