Only in late December 2021, we were informed about severe Western Disturbances, which brought heavy snowfall in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and northern India /https://mkweather.com/thousands-prayed-for-the-end-of-a-drought-in-afghanistan-before-more-than-half-of-the-country-was-covered-by-snow-50000-vehicles-entered-murree-pakistan-after-a-snowfall-against-4000-capacity-of-p/; https://mkweather.com/red-warnings-before-frosts-and-snow-for-india-gulmarg-104c-36c-above-all-time-december-record-western-disturbances-on-the-way//.
In Murree resort, 50 000 vehicles were trying to park, although the parking capacity of the resort is only 4 000.
Near the second extreme winter blast, the same winter resort reported the next extreme rush of tourists, unfortunately, this event had a tragic end.
Blizzard, which hit the mountainous region was so heavy, that buried vehicles directly on the road under up to 1 meter of snow, and people in extremely cold and snowy weather hadn´t a chance to escape.
Minimally 23 of them died before arrival to a dreamed ski resort on hypothermia, others were rescued by civil forces with bigger or lower success.
Among victims of extreme weather were 10 children, too.
Meanwhile, floods in the last period hit many parts of the Middle East /https://mkweather.com/almost-100-cities-in-iran-were-flooded-11-dead-pakistan-underwater-too-1-2-of-afghanistan-under-the-snow/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=almost-100-cities-in-iran-were-flooded-11-dead-pakistan-underwater-too-1-2-of-afghanistan-under-the-snow/, including Iran and Pakistan.
From India are currently reported extremely low temperatures, in Mumbai, the lowest in 10 years, and similarly, extremely low temperatures with heavy snowfall in Kashmir /the next Mkweather article/.
According to long-term forecasts, cold and stormy/snowy weather should persist in the Middle East and northern India until the end of January and too in February 2022, while in Europe, a gradual NAO+ with early Spring conditions is predicted /https://mkweather.com/ecmwf-6-week-forecast-for-europe-until-21-february-2022//.

Source: Pakistan Daily Global Twitter, pahlinews.com, @joinprat Twitter, ctwnews.ca