A red warnings before extremely hot weather are valid in many countries in Balkan and some in SE Central Europe.
Even in Slovakia, maximum temperatures on Thursday, 8. July should reach historical +40°C /https://mkweather.com/40c-in-slovakia-national-record-is-403c//.
Balkan already on Wednesday, 7. July 2021 suffered an extremely hot day, with maximum temperatures up to +40°C.
From available station from the International Exchange Site, +39,4°C was measured in c, Montenegro, +39,2°C in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, +39,0°C in Banja Luka, Bosnia, and Herzegovina, +38,8°C in Gevgelija, North Macedonia, +38,7°C in Konitsa, Greece, +38,5°C in Serrai, Greece, +38,2°C in Skhodra, Albania, +38,1°C in Knin, Croatia (only 4,7°C from the national record), +38,0°C in Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, … +37,5°C in Firenze, northern Italy, +37,4°C in Bologna, northern Italy, +36,5°C in Baja and Paks, Hungary, +36,3°C in Hurbanovo, Slovakia, +36,3°C in Cuprija, Serbia, +36,0°C in Crnomelj, Slovenia, +35,8°C in Drobeta, Romania, but too +35,1°C in Figari, Corsica, France.
National TOPs from Wednesday, 7. July should be 1-2°C higher.
On Thursday, 8. July, temperatures above Balkan will be even higher, up to possible +42°C, while in Hungary, +40/+41°C, in Slovakia +40°C, Austria and Czechia +39°C or Poland +37°C should be measured.
From Balkan countries will be probably the hottest Bosnia and Herzegovina, with all-time record above +46°C, but very close to all-time national records (only a few degrees Celsius) should be Serbia, Croatia, or Montenegro.
In Italy near sirocco, +45°C is possible.
Already at the end of the week, the next extreme heatwave will start in Spain and Portugal /https://mkweather.com/spain-and-portugal-at-the-weekend-49c-gfs-all-time-records-are-473c-and-474c// and hot air from Balkan and Central Europe will shift above Eastern Europe, the Baltic region and Finland /https://mkweather.com/eastern-europe-hits-a-10-day-heatwave-temperatures-reach-32-38c/; https://mkweather.com/the-next-10-days-of-heatwaves-for-scandinavia-and-baltic-countries-343c-in-lapland-behind-70n-already-measured//.
After extreme heatwave, powerful storms will shift above Central Europe and northern Balkan until Friday, 9. July 2021 /https://mkweather.com/severe-storms-hit-de-ch-au-it-cz-pl-sk-hu-si-hr-rs-after-the-strongest-windstorm-in-france-since-1969// and after the storm round, the next, 4th heatwave of Summer 2021 will start between 16.-23. July 2021 /here until 21. July: https://mkweather.com/the-4th-peak-of-summer-2021-should-hit-all-of-europe-the-hottest-will-be-between-16-21-july//.

Source: wetterzentrale.de