After surprising news from Greenland, where were regionally measured all-time December records and winter temperatures up of to +13,0°C /https://mkweather.com/greenland-warmer-than-the-mediterranean-air-from-the-us-heatwaves-in-the-arctic-nuuk-130c-only-02c-below-all-time-december-record-qaanaq-northern-greenland-83c-all-tim//, we are bringing similar news from Antarctica.
Summer is prematurely peaking in Australia, too, where maximum temperatures up to +47,9°C in the last days were measured (the next Mkweather article) and anomalously warm is Antarctica, too.
Antarctic Oscillation (AAO) was since mid-Spring 2021 in its positive phase, but before Christmas, a decline very close to 0 appeared, which should be linked with hot weather in Australia and Antarctic Peninsula, too.
In Base Esperanza, +14,6°C was on 18. December 2021 measured, which is the highest December maximum temperature at the station in all-time history.
From other stations, above +10,0°C was in Base Marambio, +11,0°C.
At Vostok station, “extremely warm” -18,1°C was on 16. December 2021 measured, which is only 4°C below all-time summer temperature record (for December and January) /https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vostok_Station/.
The South Pole reports on 23. December 2021 only -17,8°C, which is only 5,5°C warmer than all-time record /https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Pole/.
Temperatures in the South Pole were in the last period more times very close to daily temperature records according to /http://coolwx.com/record/globemovie.week.php/.
Parts of Antarctica are currently hit by an extreme warm spell, regionally, with temperature anomalies above +10°C from the long-term average.
Continental temperature anomaly on 23. December for Antarctica is according to models around +2,1°C.
However, during Spring 2021, severe coldwaves appeared in the continent, thanks to AAO+ /https://mkweather.com/antarctica-521c-in-late-november-december-continental-record-is-520c/; https://mkweather.com/vostok-794c-only-06c-from-the-all-time-october-record//
The last winter season was moreover the coldest in the South Pole in all-time history /https://mkweather.com/the-south-pole-with-the-coldest-winter-in-history-average-temperature-april-september-half-year-only-610c//.
In January or February 2022, the maximum temperature in Base Esperanza should rise even higher.
The all-time continental record +18,3°C was measured before 2 years, in February 2020 /https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/feb/07/antarctica-logs-hottest-temperature-on-record-with-a-reading-of-183c/.