Only in the last December days, we were informed about the coldest temperatures in Canada in the month of December since 1998 (-51,1°C: https://mkweather.com/canada-511c-the-first-50c-and-lower-temperature-in-december-since-1998/).
Winter conditions are thanks to La Nina strengthening and on 9. January 2022, even stronger frosts were in Yukon measured.
The temperature in Pelly Farm reached an anomalous -53,5°C, which is the coldest temperature measured in the Canadian province since 2008!
From other stations, -53,3°C in Pelly Ranch, -53,0°C in Ross River, -52,8°C in Rabbit Kettle, -51,3°C in Carmacks, -51,1°C in Stewart C., -50,9°C in Braeburn, -50,3°C in Burwash, -50,2°C in Mayo and -50,1°C Beaver Creek and Klondike FC, was measured.
Meanwhile, in Saskatchewan, windchill temperatures around -50°C hit populated areas with cities in the province.
On the Tweet below is visible, that a dog doesn´t want to go out in weather comfort like this.
Extreme frosts hit almost all of Canada, including Eastern Canada, near Great Lakes, with the most populated cities.
Windchill in these regions is reaching regionally -40°C and frosts should have life-threatening potential.
The USA in the last period hit a series of blizzards /https://mkweather.com/buffalo-45-cm-17-6-inches-boston-28-cm-11-inches-new-york-21-cm-8-4-inches-northeast-after-the-first-big-blizzard-of-the-season/; https://mkweather.com/nashville-tennessee-with-63-inches-16-cm-of-snow-the-highest-snowfall-since-2016-and-23rd-in-history/; https://mkweather.com/wachington-state-122-cm-48-inches-48-hours-in-lower-areas-severe-floods/; https://mkweather.com/rocky-mountains-national-park-in-colorado-4-meters-12-foot-snowdrifts//.
It’s probable, that Winter 2021/2022 in the region will be even more strengthening, with a result of even deeper frosts in the western half of Canada (here is situated a main cold pattern).
Therefore stay safe and warm and watch current weather news, forecasts and warnings.

Illustration picture: https://hikebiketravel.com/9-reasons-why-you-should-visit-whitehorse-in-winter/

Source: climatereanalyzer.org, Thierry Goose Twitter