The negative phase of Arctic and North Atlantic Oscillation from the last period is peaking and anomalously cold air has flooded Europe, North America, Asia, and North Africa.
Not only in Europe /https://mkweather.com/brutally-cold-weather-in-scandinavia-legendary-frosts-in-sweden-375c-norway-369c-and-finland-340c-and-below-40c-is-forecasted-the-coldest-seasonal-temperatures-in-50/ + articles on our homepage/, but too in North American sector /https://mkweather.com/eureka-431c-the-lowest-temperatures-in-canadian-arctic-in-early-winter-since-2004// have already appeared extreme frosts, in Sweden up to -37,6°C and in Canada up to -43,1°C.
Even and record-breaking winter however hit Asia, too, with extreme frosts up to -55,6°C in Delyankir, Siberia on 1. December 2021!
This temperature is only 0,7°C above the all-time November temperature record for the city, 2,6°C above the all-time December record for the city /https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delyankir/ and only 2,8°C above the coldest temperature measured in Northern Hemisphere in the last, extremely cold Winter 2020/2021!
The maximum temperature in the city reached only -48,2°C, while Oymyakon reported a minimum temperature of -54,3°C.
Schools in the region were under temperatures -50°C immediately canceled – in season 2021/2022 untraditionally early.
For many years, frosts below -55°C are usually coming only in late December, January, or early February.
In the season 2021/2022 it´s one of the earliest occurrences of frost s below -55°C in the region in history!
Cold weather hit in the last period Japan, too, with anomalous temperatures and snow calamity up to 1 meter /update from Japan already in the next Mkweather article/.
Meanwhile, in the wider European region, including Central Asia, the Middle East, or Northern Africa, extremely cold air masses will be shifting southward and eastward during the next weeks /https://mkweather.com/winter-in-europe-will-return-around-christmas-and-new-year-2022-especially-in-the-central-and-eastern-sector-long-term-forecast-until-10-january-2022//, with a peak of unseasonably cold weather in continental Europe around 10. December 2021.
Severe frosts from Europe should shift soon above Western Siberia, which should mean the next temperature records.
In Yakutsk, returning AO- / NAO- phases should in January 2022 bring frosts below -60,0°C.