In the next 3 articles, we will look to Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco and we will start in Egypt, from where extremely cold winter conditions are reported.
After extreme blizzard in Greece, Turkey, Israel, and Jordan /https://mkweather.com/the-worst-blizzard-in-greece-since-1968-athens-50-cm-istanbul-turkey-36-cm-of-snow-florina-173c-and-a-rare-tornado-near-a-snow-covered-island/; https://mkweather.com/antalya-mugla-and-dalaman-turkey-with-the-first-snowfall-since-1993-a-country-with-the-strongest-power-outages-in-history/; https://mkweather.com/jerusalem-under-the-snow-a-possible-strongest-snowstorm-since-1992-the-traffic-collapse/; https://mkweather.com/heavy-snowfall-in-amman-jordan//, the next cold reports are coming from the region of the Eastern Mediterranean.
According to english.ahram.org.eg and watchers.news, the coldest winter in Egypt in the last 10 years is ongoing until the end of January 2022.
Temperature anomalies since 1. December 2021 are reaching 7-8°C below the long-term temperature average and extremely cold weather is predicted until early March 2022 /https://mkweather.com/ecmwf-forecast-for-europe-until-14-march-2022-early-spring-for-the-british-islands-scandinavia-continental-europe-and-iberia/; https://mkweather.com/early-spring-should-be-peaking-around-13-27-february-2022-nao-in-march-2022-will-be-even-warmer//m which should mean one of the coldest winters in the region in modern history.
“Egypt has been witnessing very cold weather at daytimes and frost at night-times for up to a month. Earlier, the country was accustomed to only two-day to week-long cold waves,” according to /https://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/1/2/456913/Egypt/Society/Egypt-experiencing-coldest-weather-in-ten-years-Ex.aspx/.
In the last weeks, long periods of severe frosts and even snowfall in the streets of cities in Egypt have appeared.
12-16°C and lows of 6-9°C in Greater Cairo these days is according to the Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA) reported.
Average wind speed of 60-70 kilometers per hour and an average wave height of 2.5-5 meters along the Mediterranean coast and the Red Sea were in the last days reported.
Temperature fluctuations and wind movement may endanger some agricultural crops, especially those that are sensitive to certain weather conditions according to english.ahram.org.eg.
The most sensitive are mango crops, which suffer frosts and ground frosts.
E.g. in Kharga, -0,1°C was measured on 23. January 2022, which should be an absolute record for the oasis station in Sahara /https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kharga_Oasis/.
In Luxor, the minimum temperature dropped on 26. January 2022 to +2,6°C, only 2,9°C above an all-time January absolute record.
Nehkel in the Sinai Peninsula on 19. January 2022 reported -4,5°C frosts.
Aswan in southernmost Egypt, the maximum temperature of only +16,0°C reported on 27. January 2022.
In Cairo, the maximum temperature on 26. January 2022 reached only +11,0°C.

Illustration picture. Source: AWE365 Twitter