Already in series of last Mkweather articles we have informed, that anomalous heatwaves are forecasted for Europe already in next days /Aggressive +40°C heatwaves for Germany! +36°C for Sweden, +38°C for Poland, Italy and Balkan totally grilled, +44/+48°C! – mkweather; Aggressive +40°C heatwaves for Germany! +36°C for Sweden, +38°C for Poland, Italy and Balkan totally grilled, +44/+48°C! – mkweather/, but the next one, even stronger, are possible at the start of July 2021 /July 2021 should start with historic heatwaves, GFS surprised with +46°C possibility in France – mkweather/.
Now, we should look at forecasts for the next 10 days from professionals – EUROHeat Project offers 10-day outlook in form of weather maps, which regions of Europe will be hit the most by heatwave.
Maps below are showing forecasts of EUROHeat Project from 15. June to 15. June – 24. June 2021 for Europe with colored regions according to probability of attack of severe heatwave.
100% probability is very rare, however, several regions from France trough Germany to Hungary are showing, that in next days, regions will be 100% hit by anomalous heatwave.
Such we should notice on outputs, heatwave will be shifting from southwestern above continental Europe and Italy eastward into Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Baltic region and Balkan in next period.
The UK will be hit only lesser, and tropical days in London area are possible only on Wednesday, 16. June 2021, while in next days, cold front with severe storms will replace hot weather.
Cold front will be gradually shifting eastward and places, where probability of heatwaves dramatically drop down, will be very possibly suffering severe storms.
Before a cold front, still extreme heatwaves will persist.
This forecast of heatwaves will be updated daily every day during Summer 2021 here /EuroHEAT – Forecasts (euroheat-project.org)/.