Already in the previous article, we informed about an extremely warm period in Europe in the 4th February pentad /https://mkweather.com/spring-2022-is-coming-the-next-warm-spell-should-surprise-with-30c-in-spain-27c-in-france-25c-in-italy-and-balkan-22c-in-central-europe-20c-in-ukraine-and-18//.
It appears, that the upcoming winter heatwave should be even stronger than was predicted, with possible historic winter temperatures in selected regions.
While in North Africa, around +32°C and in Spain +30°C is predicted (national TOPs), temperatures around +27°C are still possible in southern France, Italy, Greece, western Turkey, or even Balkan.
In Balkan, the warmest should be southern Romania and neighboring Bulgaria, North Macedonia, or Serbia, such as parts of Greece.
Northern Balkan and Central Europe should be however extremely warm, too, in northern Balkan with maximum temperatures up to +24°C, in north-central and northern France, Benelux, Alpine region, Germany, and East-Central Europe, up to +22°C.
+20°C should be broken (it isn´t excluded) in British Islands and temperatures up to +15°C are possible in southern Scandinavia and the Baltic region. Southern Ukraine should reach +20°C.
On base maps of T2m anomalies in Europe between Wednesday and Saturday, 16.-19. February 2022 we mentioned predicted regional maximum temperatures in regions with the highest temperature anomalies from the long-term average.
For better local forecast you should visit the site /https://wetterzentrale.de/de/topkarten.php?map=3&model=gfs&var=17&time=6&run=12&lid=OP&h=0&mv=0&tr=6/, where to maximum temperatures on maps need to add around +3°C for reaching of national warmest values.
Very warm should be nights, too, regionally with minimum temperatures above +10°C, rarely above +15°C in lowlands (near foehn), or above 5°C in basins and valleys.
Early spring weather will be very good for outdoor activities and in the warmer, southern European region, such as in North Africa, and later western Turkey, or the northern Middle East, maybe, the first sunbathing will be possible.
35/36 next days will be according to ECMWF Weather Regime forecast NAO+, therefore, a strong NAO+ phase forecast is confirming (already in the next Mkweather article).
NAO+ means for Europe extremely warm and dry weather for Europe In this season, with temperatures above +30°C in Spain or up to +25°C in Central Europe, later in March 2022, during the warmest days, therefore, early-season heatwaves will be probably returning, in the next weeks, yet.
An unexpected return of winter conditions should surprise according to current estimates around early April 2022 /https://mkweather.com/will-bring-early-april-2022-extreme-frosts-in-europe-and-damage-to-harvest-there-are-the-first-signals//, with possible damaging frosts on the harvest.

Temperature anomalies with regional TOP maximum temperatures in the period 16.-19.2.2022 /Base maps: wxcharts.com