Not a long time ago we wrote about extreme heatwave, which hit firstly Patagonia and then northern Argentina, southern Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay /https://mkweather.com/after-devastating-frosts-and-snowing-hottest-winter-times-ever-paraguay-409c-brazil-404c-argentina-392c-and-uruguay-340c/; https://mkweather.com/tag/south-america-winter-2021-forecast//. Temperatures in northern Argentina reached a record +40,4°C and it appeared, that it´s the end of Winter 2021.
The opposite became true – from the south, the region hit extreme Antarctic blast with anomalous temperatures and even more anomalous snowfall.
In Caviahue, Copahuei, and Cajón Chico, temperatures dropped to -20°C in valleys, and temperatures near windchill and strong Antarctic winds were before skies made clear even lower.
In the same region, “abnormal” snowfall up to 2 meters was reported according to many sources.
Extreme snowfall is possible to see in parts of the videos below.
Snowstorm hit not only cold Patagonia but too warmer regions, where harvest was significantly damaged.
E.g. in El Calafate elevated only 199 MASL, -12,6°C was on 24. August measured. In valleys temperatures near enormous snow, amounts should therefore really dropping down around -20°C.
Frosts and severe snowstorm was reported from parts of Chile, too.
After a week-lasting extreme heatwave in Paraguay and the neighboring region, with maximum temperatures above +40°C, cooldown finally arrived into northern parts of the region, with the next possible damaging frosts and ground frosts these days.
Cold weather stays in central parts of the continent until the weekend, then in Argentina and Chile (and later Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, and southern Brazil), the next powerful heatwave will be built.
Similar weather, with quick weather changes, was typical for all Winter 2021 in South America. It was a part of the Southern Hemisphere, with the sharpest changes of temperature in a very short time in the last months.
Strange weather brought severe frosts and drought into northern parts of the region, with an expected increase of prices of coffee or oranges worldwide (these plants were hit by unfavorable weather the most) /https://mkweather.com/parana-river-with-the-lowest-levels-in-80-years-after-frosts-in-brazil-prices-of-coffee-on-a-6-year-high//.
Spring 2021 forecast for South America you should find here: https://mkweather.com/spring-2021-forecast-for-south-america-floods-and-drought-in-many-regions/.