Ex-Mediterranean low has brought heavy rain to Central Europe, with precipitation amounts more than 100 mm / 24 hours regionally.
Slovakia and Czechia had valid 3rd level of warnings before floods during last days and above 300 MASL has appeared a snow.
Floods killed one man in Kežmarok district and near Košice, abrupted weir of Hornad river has flooded crops and neighboring villages.
Snowing on Wednesday really appeared in many Slovakian, but too Moravian, southern Polish, northern Hungarian or Austrian basins, in Slovakia in Trencin, Zilina, Banska Bystrica, Presov and Kosice regions. In Banska Bystrica region probably snow line has dropped the lowest and snow has appeared from 300 – 400 MASL, mainly in narrow low-situated valleys and basins along rivers.
In regions above 500 MASL, has created snow cover, mainly in regions Orava, Kysuce, Liptov, Turiec, Spiš, Pohronie, Horehronie, Podpoľanie and Gemer.
In Slovakian capital, Bratislava, which is situated in the warmest region of the country, maximum temperatures has reached only +6,9°C on Monday, +6,4°C on Tuesday and +7,1°C on Wednesday.
In Liesek, Orava region, maximum temperature has reached only +3,0°C on Tuesday, 13. October 2020 and in Telgárt, Horehronie region only +3,4°C on Tuesday and +2,9°C on Wednesday, 13.-14. October 2020 or in Poprad, Spiš, only +3,9°C on Tuesday.
Temperatures such this are typical for December in the region.
After extreme cold days will come extreme cold mornings soon – on Wednesday in Germany has been measured -4,4°C in lower situated valleys and basins /https://mkweather.com/2020/10/14/norway-96c-finland-61c-sweden-60c-germany-44c-slovenia-29c-austria-15c-italy-12c-europe-hit-severe-frosts-on-wednesday-14-october// and severe frosts probability is shifting eastward.
Frosts up to -5°C should appear in Carpathian valleys already from Sunday to Wednesday, 18.-21. October 2020. Ground frosts should appear in lowlands, too.
Infographics: imeteo.sk, teraz.sk, in-pocasi.cz, idokep.hu, pluska.sk, youtube.com:

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Gain the perspective of the townspeople who bore witness to this terrible time in American history on this highly interesting walk. The Hampton Inn Gettysburg is an excellent hotel close to the park and the American Civil War Museum. Step back into WWII history of the Dennison Depot and “walk in the footsteps of American heroes.” As one of the main stopping depots for American Servicemen, the depot offered refreshment and encouragement during wartime which earned Dennison the nickname “Dreamsville, USA.” There’s something romantic about a long train ride that you just can’t get from a road trip — often, it’s the leisure of being able to watch the countryside roll past without having to steer yourself around other motorists. But every voyage is a unique experience in not only the sights and sounds it encounters, but the amenities it offers. We’ve tracked down some of the world’s best locomotive travel experiences with details on why they stand out and how you can embark on such a journey yourself.
You will have several places to pull over and stop as well as some charming small towns to see along the way. Kick the goosebumps up a notch at Six Flags Great Escape’s Fright Fest in the Lake George Region. For one month, from October 1-30 (select dates), the zombies and ghouls come out to play! After the sun goes down, Six Flags Great Escape turns into a great big haunted horror-land. Special haunted houses and fright zones are available for those looking to test their limits, but visitors should be warned – there’s no place to hide! The drive along Route 32 from Washington Crossing to New Hope is an excellent day trip, especially when navigating to Bowman’s Hill Tower. The magnificent vista of stunning fall foliage in every direction is a spectacular sight from a vantage point 125 feet high. Nearby, Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve also offers picturesque views of the seasonal shift.
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You might find reading some comparative analysis sample essays helpful before writing your own. There are more ways to structure comparative analysis essays. A good rule of thumb is to list all ideas that you can find provided they’re within the topic of your analytical essay. Further, research each idea to see what you can find, then add at least three or four of the most powerful ideas to your essay. Now that we’ve gone through how to write an analytical essay, it helps to reflect upon the topics that they are best at tackling. Most commonly, an example of analytical essay writing can be recognized by the question it seeks to solve. These questions are almost always framed as questions of “why” or “how” a certain property or subject functions. As such, this style of writing is often used to address social processes, works of art, or historical events.
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