Already in the last article, we informed about the lowest temperature of Winter 2021/2022 in Summit, Greenland, -62,4°C (31.1.2022): https://mkweather.com/summit-greenland-624c-the-lowest-temperature-in-northern-hemisphere-in-winter-2021-2022-the-next-1-2-weeks-should-be-even-colder/.
Greenland is currently linked with the northeastern Caribbean with cold air masses on the backside of the powerful blizzard system and its cold front, which brought along the East Coast, the USA, at the end of January 2022, a historic blizzard (the next Mkweather article).
Now we will look to extreme frosts in Florida and ground frosts in Cuba and the Bahamas, which brought a mentioned extremely cold air, with Arctic origin.
The warmest part of the USA, therefore, experienced a peak of Winter 2021/2022, when in Live Oak, northern Florida, only 19°F / -7,2°C was on 30. January 2022, measured.
Tallahassee saw 20°F / -6,7°C, Jacksonville 22°F / -5,6°C, Panama City 25°F / -3,9°C, Vero Beach 30°F / -1,1°C, Daytona Beach 31°F / -0,6°C, or Fort Pierce 32°F / 0°C.
Orlando reported only 34°F / +1,1°C and ground frosts, Tampa 36°F / +2,2°C and ground frosts, warmer was only in Miami, 42°F / +5,6°C or in Key West, 50°F / +10,0°C.
Extremely cold was on the following day (31.1.2022) in Cuba – Bainoa reported +2,8°C (a new January record) and Havana +3,2°C (coldest temperature since 1940!).
Freeport, Grand Bahama reported on 31. January 2022 only +4,5°C with a possibility of weak ground frost.
About temperature and snowfall records from the USA, Canada, Mexico, and Greenland from the previous longer peaking of Winter 2021/2022 we informed here: https://mkweather.com/a-peak-of-the-winter-in-mexico-la-rosilla-170c/; https://mkweather.com/quebec-hit-extreme-frosts-up-to-480c-ottawa-reported-the-lowest-temperature-since-1996-318c-and-experiences-with-the-coldest-january-since-2004/; https://mkweather.com/a-peak-of-winter-2021-2022-in-the-usa-and-canada-toronto-heaviest-blizzard-since-1965-nashville-snowiest-winter-since-1985-mississauga-the-most-snow-since-1944-yakutat-18-m-of-snow-hail-in-texas/; https://mkweather.com/a-peak-of-winter-in-the-usa-west-virginia-with-all-time-state-record-31f-35c-south-carolina-the-first-snowfall-in-5-years-a-snowstorm-in-colorado-texas-and-kansas-up-to-26-inche/; https://mkweather.com/summit-greenland-624c-the-lowest-temperature-in-northern-hemisphere-in-winter-2021-2022-the-next-1-2-weeks-should-be-even-colder// and the next prepared article will be focused on blizzard in East Coast region, the USA.
The latest 6-week forecast for the region from ECMWF is available here: https://mkweather.com/ecmwf-forecast-for-the-usa-until-14-march-2022-after-last-2-cold-weeks-return-of-very-warm-south-and-east-with-a-possible-kentucky-like-pattern/.
Spring forecast for North America you will find here: https://mkweather.com/spring-2022-forecast-for-north-america/.

Illustration picture: Zach Covey Twitter, GatorMojo Twitter, Aunty Rach Twitter