Only in one of the last articles, we were warned before severe frosts, which were forecast to hit at Christmas China, Koreas, and Japan.
The region really reports anomalously low temperatures and extreme blizzards and in the next 3 Mkweather articles, we will look to China (-44,4°C and all-time records in Northeast, almost all country sank into frosts), North Korea (-35,3°C), and Japan (record 213 cm snowfall at 900 MASL only!).
In this article, we will look at China.
On Christmas Eve 2021 /24.12.2021/, only -44,4°C was measured in Jiayin, Heilongjiang province (northernmost province of China).
It´s the coldest temperature measured in the city in all-time history.
All-time records were broken in many cities in the region:
Wuying reported -43,4°C and Fuyuan -42,3°C.
Tuli River in Inner Mongolia reported -42,0°C, and the next 4 cities in Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia below -40,0°C (Tweet below).
According to Chinese meteorologists, almost all country sank into a freeze – in eastern and northern parts very deep.
Frosts even appeared in southernmost subtropical and almost tropical climate zones.
Southern provinces received their first snow of the winter, too.
Even in Beijing, temperatures dropped below -10°C and heavy snowfall appeared.
Extremely cold air froze many waterfalls and coastal areas in the region, with really impressive manifestations of the winter.
Parts of the country’s central, northern and southern areas are expected to experience the coldest day of the year in the current week, Mkweather will be further watching the declining of temperatures in all East Asia.
Winter forecasts for Asia and Northern Hemisphere you will find here: https://mkweather.com/winter-2021-2022-forecast-for-asia-early-extreme-arctic-and-siberian-blasts-and-blizzards-late-dry-and-warm-conditions/; https://mkweather.com/winter-2021-2022-forecast-for-northern-hemisphere/.