In the last days, a heatwave was peaking in south-African countries.
After relatively good Winter 2021, with extreme cold blasts near all-time national records, Spring 2021 has begun in the region with returning extreme heatwaves, dividing milder cold spells.
Another heatwave according to / brought into Namibia, Angola, and South Africa anomalously high temperatures.
In Kaoko Otavi in Namibian highlands, already on 23. September 2021, +41,8°C was measured.
Ondjiva, Angola at the same time reported the highest September temperature ever, +39,0°C.
Werda, Botswana, reported on 27. September +37,3°C, Mfuwe, Zambia on 29. September +39,0°C or Tete, Mozambiqe on 29. September +41,0°C.
In Potchefstroom, South Africa, +43,9°C on 28. September 2021 was measured and Pretoria reported the hottest September day in history, with a maximum temperature of +36,7°C.
Between 2.-4. October, the next coldwave for the region is forecasted, but around 8.-10. October, a strong heatwave should appear mainly in South Africa.
Still, hotter than deserts in south-African states is surprisingly Sahara, where temperatures up to +46°C appeared in the last days /the next Mkweather article/.