Populated parts of Balkan, Italy, and Turkey expects historic early-season frosts, -30°C in densely populated areas is rarely possible

-30°C should be in the next period reached not only in continental Europe /https://mkweather.com/30c-should-appear-in-continental-europe-in-the-coldest-valleys//, but too in valleys in Balkan below 1000 MASL or densely populated higher elevated basins in Turkey in Erzurum region!
All only around 10-15 days after extreme frosts in Scandinavia, which is currently bringing the lowest November temperatures in 50 years (-37,3°C so far) /https://mkweather.com/nikkaluokta-sweden-with-legendary-373c-the-coldest-temperatures-in-november-in-the-last-50-years//.
In Italian frost valleys in the Apennines, it should be measured around -15°C during this period around 9. December 2021, in the Alps, should be even colder, below -25°C in 1000 MASL and up to -40°C in famous highly elevated mountainous valleys around 1500-2000 MASL.
Frosts and snow should regionally appear along coasts in Italy, Balkan, or maybe Turkey (although here mostly on slopes above the Black Sea), too.
Outputs expect the strongest winter for Turkey only around 15. December, while Italy and Balkan should be hit already in around 10 days, similarly such as France and continental Europe.
Winter will be returning to British Islands, Iberia, and Scandinavia, too.
Mainly Western Balkan, Carpathians, but too mountains in Turkey and Italy should be prepared for heavy snowfall, in western Balkan and Romania regionally with a snow calamity in lower situated regions below 1000 MASL.
The temperature in 850 hPa should drop above northern Italy, Balkan, and NE Turkey below -15°C, which is a strongly unseasonable temperature.
All period minimally 15. December 2021, in longer outlook possibly until the New Year 2022 /https://mkweather.com/long-term-forecast-until-2-january-2022-extreme-arctic-winter-in-europe-until-new-year// will be in Europe anomalously, or even legendary cold and our long term seasonal forecasts, therefore, were not mistaken /materials you will find here: https://mkweather.com/winter-2021-2022-forecast-for-northern-hemisphere//.
All should be linked with an extremely low NAO index /https://mkweather.com/nao-index-falls-to-2-0-the-lowest-value-since-legendary-35c-frosts-in-europe-in-january-february-2021-or-206c-in-april-2021// and anomalously cold Arctic /https://mkweather.com/arctic-sea-ice-extent-is-the-2nd-highest-in-15-years//
Cold weather has a bad impact on the virological situation, heart attack rates, many kinds of cancer, or should cause hypothermia.
Blizzards should cause widespread problems on roads, highways, or railways and power outages, including metropolitan areas.
If you live in Europe, we highly recommend you to watch current weather news, forecasts, warnings, and advisories.

Source: wetterzentrale.de

Source: wxcharts.com