Europe hits premature and extremely strong winter!
A long period with very cold conditions is forecasted already between late November and early January 2021-2022 /visit our homepage, Winter forecast is available here:
NAO index is forecasted to fall to the lowest values since extreme frosts in Europe in January and February 2021, when frosts up to -35°C appeared in Europe (Czechia, Hungary around 1000 MASL) and April 2021, when up to -20,6°C was measured in low situated basins and valleys below 1000 MASL (Slovenia) /
Temperature is forecasted to decrease probably until the New Year / and the first cold period has already started on Tuesday, 23. November, with a peak in the last November days and early December 2021.
Not only severe frosts, possibly almost -40°C in Scandinavia, up to -25°C in continental Europe, -20°C in British Islands and -15°C in the Mediterranean, but too severe blizzards across the continent are forecasted!
Cold weather has a bad impact on the virological situation, heart attack rates, many kinds of cancer, or should cause hypothermia.
Blizzards should cause widespread problems on roads, highways, or railways and power outages, including metropolitan areas.
If you live in possible hit regions, we highly recommend you to watch current weather news, forecasts, warnings, and advisories.
After late November – early December 2021 the next 3 peaks of winter between 10. December 2021 and New Year 2022!
The first peak of Winter 2021/2022 will come to the European region this winter prematurely early.
About expected extreme temperatures we were informed in the last Mkweather articles /;;;;
Moreover, blizzard conditions across Europe are during this period possible in many regions /;
Now, we are bringing an update of the 42-day forecast analysis from Gismeteo /, where we have investigated, when the strongest winter conditions across the wider European region (from Greenland to Siberia, Sahara, and Dubai) are expected.
According to the newest outputs it appears, that after a current upcoming coldwave, a warmer period will appear in the first December 2021 decade, mainly around 5.-10. December 2021.
Then, extreme winter should return in 3 big peaks – around 11.-16. December, during days before Christmas 2021 and between Christmas 2021 and New Year 2022!
Interesting is, that the coldest times in the Arctic and Siberia (purple color in the table) are forecasted just for the next days and then only between Christmas and the New Year.
In mid-latitudes, the next coldwave should appear already between 11.-16. December 2021, but the strongest winter is forecasted around 20. December and around Silvester 2021/New Year 2022.
In subtropical and oceanic regions, stronger winter conditions are forecasted to return mainly in the second half of December 2021, while in a southern subtropical and tropical climate it will be mainly after 16. December, (regionally already from 11. December 2021).
Prematurely, it looks like such as very favorable conditions for frosts or snowfall around winter holidays 2021 in many parts of the region, however with a possibility of worsening virological crisis, problems with power outages, gas supplies, health issues, or in traffic.
Therefore, stay safe and warm and don´t forget to watch current weather news, forecasts, warnings, and advisories.