Only in one of the last articles we informed about the expected all-time world temperature record in the hottest place on Earth – Death Valley /https://mkweather.com/superheatwave-in-california-55c-130f-in-death-valley-possible-all-time-records-in-las-vegas-and-salt-lake-city//.
On Saturday, 10. July 2021, was in Death Valley really measured the highest temperature in the world (modern measurements) and maximum temperature reach only 2 weeks after +49,6°C in Canada /https://mkweather.com/50c-in-canada-one-of-the-biggest-heatwaves-in-modern-history-overwrote-national-records-by-5c-9f-lytton-496c/; https://mkweather.com/after-50c-came-wildfires-and-all-lytton-was-destroyed// +54,4°C /130°F.
The temperature record is coming the only year after breaking of all-time record on 16. August 2020 /https://mkweather.com/right-now-death-valley-with-the-hottest-ever-recorded-temperature-on-the-planet-or-minimally-since-1931-130f-54-4c//.
According to the CFS model, the next heat domes are possible above the western USA and Canada during July 2021 /https://mkweather.com/cfs-sees-hot-and-dry-northern-parts-of-europe-and-north-america-and-very-stormy-subtropical-regions-2021//.
According to /https://twitter.com/extremetemps/, brutal high minimum temperature appeared in Furnace Creek on Friday, 9. July, before an overcoming of the all-time world record, when the minimum temperature dropped only to +39,7°C.
Series of all-time temperature records was on Friday, 9. July 2021 reported from Southwestern USA – e.g. Grand Junction AP, Colorado with 107°F / +41,7°C and Tonopah, Nevada with 104°F / +40,0°C.
Before 98 years, on 10. July 1913, +56,7°C was in Death Valley reportedly measured, but this measurement is often replacing by modern, more reliable measurements from the period after WW2. Similar all-time record +58,0°C from Libya from 13. September 1922 was already deleted.
The heat dome is already shifting above Canada, where will be shifting from West to East and heatwaves should regenerate above the country minimally until 25. July 2021.
Cold times for the western USA and the Rocky Mountains are forecasted only after 20. July 2021.