Any monstruos floods, but persisting heavy rains with several tornadoes hit Spain and Portugal last days.
In ESWD database, minimally 10 reports of tornadoes and heavy rain events has been reported from Spain and southern Portugal has experienced with similar conditions, too.
Tornadoes and heavy rains has appeared in Spain mainly in Andalusia and southeastern coast.
About tornado events have informed mainly media in Spain and watchers on Twitter.
According to aemet.es, the highest rainfall were reported on Thursday, 26. November from Piornal, 111 mm, on Friday, 27. November from Calasperra, 87,8 mm (and Valencia, 83 mm), on Saturday, 28. November from Sant Hilari, 75 mm (and Porgueres in Portugal 51 mm), on Sunday, 29. November from Cadiz, 85 mm and on Monday, 30. November from Faro, Portugal, 67,2 mm.
Moreover, southwestern parts of Iberia hit rainfall and rough seas associated with expected tropical storm Kappa /https://mkweather.com/2020/12/01/kappa-will-move-westward-from-canary-islands-heavy-rains-still-possible//.
In Balearic Islands was reported severe lighting during Mediterranean storms.
More systems since 20. November have moved from Iberia and northwestern Africa to Italy and Central Mediterranean, where caused extreme floods at the weekend, 28.-29. November 2020. These floods will be a topic of a next article.

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Marcus Rashford continued his rich vein of form as Manchester United closed in on the Premier League top four with a 3-0 win over Nottingham Forest. It’s clearly going to take some time to settle, and Antony doesn’t turn 23 until February, but when you spend £84m on a 22-year-old you do expect him to be a little less rough around the edges than this. That shouldn’t be interpreted as pure criticism – it’s very interesting to watch this street footballer grow accustomed to this new environment. When Cristiano Ronaldo returned to Manchester United a year ago he almost certainly didn't expect to end up here, the star attraction in a Europa League fixture in Moldova in a matchbox stadium, dwarfed by crumbling Soviet-era flats. Rashford’s best Premier League goal tally was the 17 he got in 2019/20. Last season’s total of just four in the league was the worst of his career, having even scored more (5) in just 11 games when he first burst onto the scene as an 18-year-old in the final chunk of 2015/16.
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Consensus Magazine The timing of bitcoin crossing $1 million is the big question. Leech says the next bitcoin halving — a key technical event when the amount of bitcoins awarded to miners is cut in half— is set to take place in 2024, and that will likely trigger a massive price surge. These indices are products for financial institutions, and are separate from the prices that CoinDesk publishes on coindesk. The rapid sell-off took a toll on major crypto exchange Coinbase, which began experiencing connectivity issues at 10:20 a.m. Hong Kong time. Other major crypto exchanges, including Binance, Bitfinex, Kucoin, OKX and Kraken, did not report similar issues. The timing of bitcoin crossing $1 million is the big question. Leech says the next bitcoin halving — a key technical event when the amount of bitcoins awarded to miners is cut in half— is set to take place in 2024, and that will likely trigger a massive price surge.
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