In Oymyakon, winter has come very early: On 10. September a new record: -14,8°C (!) 2 min read In Oymyakon, winter has come very early: On 10. September a new record: -14,8°C (!) MK September 10, 2021 Already in the last articles, we were informed about early cold...Read More
The first snowfall in Fuji, Japan, extremely early: 25 days earlier than average! 2 min read The first snowfall in Fuji, Japan, extremely early: 25 days earlier than average! MK September 9, 2021 While Japan, China, Taiwan, and South Korea are preparing for Super-typhoon...Read More
Snow near the Equator: Ecuador with rare snowfall in Antisana National Park! 2 min read Snow near the Equator: Ecuador with rare snowfall in Antisana National Park! MK September 9, 2021 While low situated lowlands and coastal areas in Ecuador reported in...Read More
ECMWF 6-week forecast until 18.10.2021: Europe, North America, World 2 min read ECMWF 6-week forecast until 18.10.2021: Europe, North America, World MK September 9, 2021 EUROPE: In a raw estimate, the western half of Europe should...Read More
Heatwave in the western half of the USA is bringing many daily temperature records, extreme coldwave in outlook only after 20. September, until then the largest wildfire in California in history should be observed 4 min read Heatwave in the western half of the USA is bringing many daily temperature records, extreme coldwave in outlook only after 20. September, until then the largest wildfire in California in history should be observed MK September 9, 2021 Already in the last article, we warned before extreme heatwave, which...Read More
Tropical storm Mindy hit Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina 4 min read Tropical storm Mindy hit Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina MK September 9, 2021 A stormtrack of Tropical storm Mindy – not above northeastern Mexico,...Read More
Weaker hurricane season between 10. September – 20. October (dry MJO, phases 4,5,6, and 7)? 2 min read Weaker hurricane season between 10. September – 20. October (dry MJO, phases 4,5,6, and 7)? MK September 9, 2021 If we neglect major Hurricane Larry, which hits in the next...Read More
A BIG SPECIAL: Composites of Summer / Winter 2021 in continents of Northern / Southern hemispheres – Temperature, Precipitation, Air pressure, Zonal winds, and Meridional winds anomalies 4 min read A BIG SPECIAL: Composites of Summer / Winter 2021 in continents of Northern / Southern hemispheres – Temperature, Precipitation, Air pressure, Zonal winds, and Meridional winds anomalies MK September 8, 2021 In this special Mkweather article we will look at the last...Read More
The hottest September day in Scotland in 115 years! Charterhall +28,6°C! 3 min read The hottest September day in Scotland in 115 years! Charterhall +28,6°C! MK September 8, 2021 In the last days and hours, we were informed about extremely hot...Read More
Drammen Berskog, Norway: +28,6°C, all-time September national record! 2 min read Drammen Berskog, Norway: +28,6°C, all-time September national record! MK September 8, 2021 In the last days, we were informed about extremely hot weather...Read More
In most of Europe, coldwaves with frosts, in colder regions the first snowing, should come between 20. September – 10. October 2021! A big ensemble forecast for European cities 2 min read In most of Europe, coldwaves with frosts, in colder regions the first snowing, should come between 20. September – 10. October 2021! A big ensemble forecast for European cities MK September 8, 2021 After late-summer and early-autumn coldwaves, Europe is currently enjoying hot summer,...Read More
Before heatwave frosts and ground frosts: Ukraine -0,4°C, Belarus -0,2°C, Hungary +1,2°C, Lithuania +1,3°C, Moldova +2,0°C, Slovenia +2,4°C, North Macedonia +2,5°C – regionally with daily national records 3 min read Before heatwave frosts and ground frosts: Ukraine -0,4°C, Belarus -0,2°C, Hungary +1,2°C, Lithuania +1,3°C, Moldova +2,0°C, Slovenia +2,4°C, North Macedonia +2,5°C – regionally with daily national records MK September 8, 2021 On the front side of the high-pressure system, shifting from continental...Read More
Spain +39,2°C, France +36,7°C, Portugal +36,0°C: Heatwave is bringing many all-time September records! 4 min read Spain +39,2°C, France +36,7°C, Portugal +36,0°C: Heatwave is bringing many all-time September records! MK September 8, 2021 Wave of extremely hot weather hit in the last days not...Read More
Glenbeigh, Ireland +28,6°C – the hottest September day since 1906! Gogerddan, Wales +30,7°C, Northolt, England +30,1°C! 2 min read Glenbeigh, Ireland +28,6°C – the hottest September day since 1906! Gogerddan, Wales +30,7°C, Northolt, England +30,1°C! MK September 7, 2021 After extreme heatwaves in northwestern Africa (all-time September record in Algeria,...Read More
Nouasseur, Morocco: +44,5°C, only 0,7°C below all-time national September temperature record! 2 min read Nouasseur, Morocco: +44,5°C, only 0,7°C below all-time national September temperature record! MK September 7, 2021 Only before a few days, we were informed about record high...Read More
Ecatepec, Mexico: 3 inches / 75 mm in 90 minutes, Morelos, Mexico: 5,5 inches in 24 hours. Baja California hits the next hurricane! 1 min read Ecatepec, Mexico: 3 inches / 75 mm in 90 minutes, Morelos, Mexico: 5,5 inches in 24 hours. Baja California hits the next hurricane! MK September 7, 2021 The last short reports from the world before important articles from...Read More
Colombia and Venezuela with the next deadly floods, rain season and cold pattern soon above Amazon and northeastern Brazil 2 min read Colombia and Venezuela with the next deadly floods, rain season and cold pattern soon above Amazon and northeastern Brazil MK September 7, 2021 A short report from flood events in northern South America we...Read More
Southern Asia is flooded: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Oman with severe floods in the last period 8 min read Southern Asia is flooded: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Oman with severe floods in the last period MK September 7, 2021 The last Mkweather article from Asia is looking at severe floods...Read More
Tropical storm Conson hit the Philippines, Vietnam, and SE China, floods are reported from Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia, and East Timor 9 min read Tropical storm Conson hit the Philippines, Vietnam, and SE China, floods are reported from Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia, and East Timor MK September 7, 2021 In the second of trio articles from Eastern, Southeastern and Southern...Read More
Typhoon Chanthu hits Japan, China, Taiwan and South Korea, Tokyo with Tmax only +21,8°C and floods, tornado and snowing in China 4 min read Typhoon Chanthu hits Japan, China, Taiwan and South Korea, Tokyo with Tmax only +21,8°C and floods, tornado and snowing in China MK September 7, 2021 Autumn 2021 similarly such as in Europe and North America started...Read More
A jump from +30°C to -5°C around 20. September in continental Europe? Scandinavia -15°C already the next week! 2 min read A jump from +30°C to -5°C around 20. September in continental Europe? Scandinavia -15°C already the next week! MK September 6, 2021 Pressure high above Europe is bringing extreme contrasts – while in...Read More
+40°C in France in September? 2 min read +40°C in France in September? MK September 6, 2021 France experienced in 2021 with cold and very wet summer and...Read More
Europe: First frosts are here! Czechia -3,0°C, Slovakia -1,7°C, Poland +0,2°C, Romania +0,2°C, Ukraine +0,7°C 2 min read Europe: First frosts are here! Czechia -3,0°C, Slovakia -1,7°C, Poland +0,2°C, Romania +0,2°C, Ukraine +0,7°C MK September 6, 2021 The last mornings, mainly morning 6. September 2021 brought into East-Central...Read More
Hurricane Larry: A direct impact in British Islands? A predicted possible impact from Portugal to Greenland 2 min read Hurricane Larry: A direct impact in British Islands? A predicted possible impact from Portugal to Greenland MK September 6, 2021 In the last articles we warned, that storm activity associated with...Read More
A possible Tropical storm Mindy should hit Texas, Louisiana, Mexico, maybe Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida! The next hurricane in the Gulf Coast possible around 15.9. and near western Mexico around 8.-12.9., between 20.9.-10.10. a long break from hurricanes! 3 min read A possible Tropical storm Mindy should hit Texas, Louisiana, Mexico, maybe Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida! The next hurricane in the Gulf Coast possible around 15.9. and near western Mexico around 8.-12.9., between 20.9.-10.10. a long break from hurricanes! MK September 5, 2021 After Hurricane Ida /articles about devastating hurricane Ida and its impacts...Read More
A long-lasting heatwave for the western half of the USA until 15. September immediately after an ex-Hurricane Nora! 5 min read A long-lasting heatwave for the western half of the USA until 15. September immediately after an ex-Hurricane Nora! MK September 5, 2021 Ex-hurricane Nora brought in southwestern states, mainly Arizona and New Mexico...Read More
It will be hard winter! Canada under the snow until 20. September 2021, including southern, densely populated parts, where 70 cm / 27 inches is possible! 2 min read It will be hard winter! Canada under the snow until 20. September 2021, including southern, densely populated parts, where 70 cm / 27 inches is possible! MK September 5, 2021 After the first snowfall of the season at the end of...Read More
Northern Europe: -15°C frosts and snowing are predicted, while continental Europe (from France to Ukraine) should see -2°C already in the following week! 2 min read Northern Europe: -15°C frosts and snowing are predicted, while continental Europe (from France to Ukraine) should see -2°C already in the following week! MK September 5, 2021 While the next week will bring in European mid-latitudes and even...Read More
Long-term ECMWF 6-week forecast until 18. October 2021: Europe, North America, World 2 min read Long-term ECMWF 6-week forecast until 18. October 2021: Europe, North America, World MK September 5, 2021 A new, the most useful ECMWF 42-day (6-week) forecast – temperature...Read More
Very bad news: COVID-19 situation in Europe is in early Autumn 2021 much worse than in 2020: many times higher incidence and increasing trends should cause tragic Winter 2021/2022 – weather is worsening COVID in COLD / DRY conditions 3 min read Very bad news: COVID-19 situation in Europe is in early Autumn 2021 much worse than in 2020: many times higher incidence and increasing trends should cause tragic Winter 2021/2022 – weather is worsening COVID in COLD / DRY conditions MK September 5, 2021 It´s already generally known, that COVID-19 is behaving such as other...Read More
Long and even stronger heatwave for Europe! France and Iberia +38°C, Italy and Balkan +35°C, continental and Eastern Europe from +30 to +34°C, England and Baltic states +30°C, Scandinavia +28°C! 2 min read Long and even stronger heatwave for Europe! France and Iberia +38°C, Italy and Balkan +35°C, continental and Eastern Europe from +30 to +34°C, England and Baltic states +30°C, Scandinavia +28°C! MK September 4, 2021 In the last 2 articles, we prepared inhabitants of European mid-latitudes...Read More
Bolivia, +42,0°C, Paraguay +41,2°C, northern Argentina +41,5°C and southern Brazil +40,2°C 2 min read Bolivia, +42,0°C, Paraguay +41,2°C, northern Argentina +41,5°C and southern Brazil +40,2°C MK September 4, 2021 South America reports after Winter 2021 series of alternating severe frosts...Read More
Winter came to Norway and Sweden very early, snow in the north (Tmax below 0°C), frosts in the south (Folldal-Fredheim -8,6°C, Latnivaara -5,2°C)! 3 min read Winter came to Norway and Sweden very early, snow in the north (Tmax below 0°C), frosts in the south (Folldal-Fredheim -8,6°C, Latnivaara -5,2°C)! MK September 4, 2021 In the last 2 articles, we warned before the extreme Arctic...Read More
60 dead and total destruction. New York after ex-Hurricane Ida experienced the worst flash floods in history (80 mm / 1 h), Northeast after a natural disaster 7 min read 60 dead and total destruction. New York after ex-Hurricane Ida experienced the worst flash floods in history (80 mm / 1 h), Northeast after a natural disaster MK September 3, 2021 Hurricane Ida hasn’t been the most deadly surprisingly in the Gulf...Read More
Hurricane Larry (a possible Category 5) stormtrack: A direct impact in British Islands?!! 4 min read Hurricane Larry (a possible Category 5) stormtrack: A direct impact in British Islands?!! MK September 3, 2021 About a possibility of an arrival of Hurricane Larry or its...Read More
The 3rd cloudiest /dullest/ August in Southern England in history! In London, the temperature didn´t rise above + 25°C! 2 min read The 3rd cloudiest /dullest/ August in Southern England in history! In London, the temperature didn´t rise above + 25°C! MK September 3, 2021 Only in the last article, we were informed about the lack...Read More
Ski resorts in the Alps open record early – since the end of August 2021: normally open 25. September to 15. October 2 min read Ski resorts in the Alps open record early – since the end of August 2021: normally open 25. September to 15. October MK September 3, 2021 About an untraditionally early start of the Winter season, 2021/22 in...Read More
Algeria +48,2°C, Egypt +47,7°C, only 0,2°C / 0,1°C below all-time September records! Extremely hot will be until early next week 2 min read Algeria +48,2°C, Egypt +47,7°C, only 0,2°C / 0,1°C below all-time September records! Extremely hot will be until early next week MK September 3, 2021 Extremely hot weather in Northern Africa is back! After record heatwaves...Read More
Supercell storms with golf-ball-size hail, tornadoes, and 100km/h+ winds hit Saskatchewan (Regina, Assiniboia regions) 4 min read Supercell storms with golf-ball-size hail, tornadoes, and 100km/h+ winds hit Saskatchewan (Regina, Assiniboia regions) MK September 3, 2021 Central Canada hit on Tuesday, 31. August untraditionally severe storms, with...Read More
Southern Norway summer (+28,3°C – only 0,2°C below national monthly record!), northern Norway winter (snowing), extreme frosts are coming! 2 min read Southern Norway summer (+28,3°C – only 0,2°C below national monthly record!), northern Norway winter (snowing), extreme frosts are coming! MK September 2, 2021 About extreme differences in weather between southern and northern Scandinavia until...Read More
The weakest summer in Paris, France, in 21. century? The hottest day of the year with only +33,3°C! 2 min read The weakest summer in Paris, France, in 21. century? The hottest day of the year with only +33,3°C! MK September 2, 2021 Only in August 2021, we were informed about anomalous conditions in...Read More
Floods in Auckland region, New Zealand: 201 mm – the highest rainfall amounts since 1943! 3 min read Floods in Auckland region, New Zealand: 201 mm – the highest rainfall amounts since 1943! MK September 2, 2021 Spring 2021 has started in New Zealand with heavy rains and...Read More
BREAKING! Catastrophic floods hit Spain! Toledo, Valencia, Barcelona, Majorca regions are completely flooded! Tourists in a danger! 5 min read BREAKING! Catastrophic floods hit Spain! Toledo, Valencia, Barcelona, Majorca regions are completely flooded! Tourists in a danger! MK September 2, 2021 Cold Arctic air has shifted already into Southern Europe and while...Read More
Extremely cold air is already in Southern Europe! Greece +6,1°C, North Macedonia +4,8°C, Bosnia and Herzegovina +3,9°C, Romania / Slovenia +3,4°C, Croatia +3,0°C! 2-3°C above all-time records! 2 min read Extremely cold air is already in Southern Europe! Greece +6,1°C, North Macedonia +4,8°C, Bosnia and Herzegovina +3,9°C, Romania / Slovenia +3,4°C, Croatia +3,0°C! 2-3°C above all-time records! MK September 2, 2021 Statistics about measured national TOP minimum and TOP maximum temperatures in...Read More
Hills in Death Valley were blooming white with salt! Precious salt flowers appeared after a rain! Will bring Spring 2021 extraordinary bloom? 2 min read Hills in Death Valley were blooming white with salt! Precious salt flowers appeared after a rain! Will bring Spring 2021 extraordinary bloom? MK September 1, 2021 Visitors and park officials in Death Valley National park were in...Read More
Disruptive snowfall in South Africa, regionally up to 50 cm! 5 min read Disruptive snowfall in South Africa, regionally up to 50 cm! MK September 1, 2021 In the last days, we were informed about an extreme Antarctic...Read More
The first significant ex-hurricane in Europe! Possible Hurricane Category 4 Larry should bring danger to America, then should aim towards the UK, France, Ireland, Benelux, Norway, Spain, or Portugal! 4 min read The first significant ex-hurricane in Europe! Possible Hurricane Category 4 Larry should bring danger to America, then should aim towards the UK, France, Ireland, Benelux, Norway, Spain, or Portugal! MK August 31, 2021 While Tropical storm Julian has downgraded and its remnants are shifting...Read More
Ex-hurricane Nora brings heavy rains and floods in Southwest, the USA 3 min read Ex-hurricane Nora brings heavy rains and floods in Southwest, the USA MK August 31, 2021 At the weekend we were informed about Hurricane Nora, which hit...Read More
Terrifying noises of Hurricane Ida, Category 4-5 (!!!) Looks like an EF4-5 tornado! /VIDEOS/ 1 min read Terrifying noises of Hurricane Ida, Category 4-5 (!!!) Looks like an EF4-5 tornado! /VIDEOS/ MK August 31, 2021 Hurricane Ida in the last 72 hours (Sunday – Tuesday, 29.-31....Read More
Georgia with unbelievable hot night, +31,4°C, maximum temperatures in Georgia +38,2°C, in Ukraine +37,5°C in contrast with cold Europe 2 min read Georgia with unbelievable hot night, +31,4°C, maximum temperatures in Georgia +38,2°C, in Ukraine +37,5°C in contrast with cold Europe MK August 31, 2021 While continental Europe is suffering very cold weather / and in...Read More
Record frosts in Scandinavia: -10°C at the weekend, 4.-5. September! 2 min read Record frosts in Scandinavia: -10°C at the weekend, 4.-5. September! MK August 31, 2021 August 2021 coldwave thanks to very high humidity, brought into Scandinavia...Read More
The last tropical heatwave of the year in European mid-latitudes! France +35°C, Benelux, Germany, Alps and Carpathians +30°C (Hungary +35°C), the UK and Poland +28°C 1 min read The last tropical heatwave of the year in European mid-latitudes! France +35°C, Benelux, Germany, Alps and Carpathians +30°C (Hungary +35°C), the UK and Poland +28°C MK August 31, 2021 In the last article, we were informed, that after an extremely...Read More
ECMWF 6-week temperature forecast: Europe, North America, World 2 min read ECMWF 6-week temperature forecast: Europe, North America, World MK August 31, 2021 There are available the next ECMWF outputs for the first half...Read More
Snow hasn´t melted in 2021 in Summer 2021 in Sonnblick, Austria (3107 MASL), last time it happened in 2016, still 92 cm snow cover 3 min read Snow hasn´t melted in 2021 in Summer 2021 in Sonnblick, Austria (3107 MASL), last time it happened in 2016, still 92 cm snow cover MK August 31, 2021 Snow has melted since 2003 approximately in 1/2 of all summer...Read More
Statistics: The coldest measured temperatures in Europe during the August 2021 coldwave 3 min read Statistics: The coldest measured temperatures in Europe during the August 2021 coldwave MK August 30, 2021 The first summarizing articles with maximum and minimum temperatures measured during...Read More
2022-2023 forecast: Chances for El-Nino? 3 min read 2022-2023 forecast: Chances for El-Nino? MK August 30, 2021 Only in the last days we published continental forecasts for Autumn...Read More
Winter 2021/2022 forecast – The first reliable estimates: Extreme cold blasts from Canada and Western Siberia, late snow in Western Europe and snow in Eastern Asia – La Nina, QBO- to QBO+ shift, sufficient NAO-/AO-, PNA- 4 min read Winter 2021/2022 forecast – The first reliable estimates: Extreme cold blasts from Canada and Western Siberia, late snow in Western Europe and snow in Eastern Asia – La Nina, QBO- to QBO+ shift, sufficient NAO-/AO-, PNA- MK August 30, 2021 Autumn 2021 is here and we should look at Winter 2021/2022...Read More
Terrifying and dramatic videos of Hurricane Ida, Category 5, Louisiana, the USA (MUST SEE!!!) 2 min read Terrifying and dramatic videos of Hurricane Ida, Category 5, Louisiana, the USA (MUST SEE!!!) MK August 30, 2021 Only in the last 2 articles, we warned before the worst...Read More
Nadym, 65°N, Russian Arctic, with +32,7°C at the end of Summer 2021 (16,4°C above climatic normal), a new all-time August record! Ukraine anomalous +37,5°C! 3 min read Nadym, 65°N, Russian Arctic, with +32,7°C at the end of Summer 2021 (16,4°C above climatic normal), a new all-time August record! Ukraine anomalous +37,5°C! MK August 29, 2021 Not so far ago we were informed about +39,2°C measured at...Read More
Botswana before and after Antarctic blast: +39,7°C – a new August record / -6,5°C – 4,1°C from all-time national cold record! Gabon +33,8°C, Congo +36,7°C (August record and 0,3°C from August record)! 2 min read Botswana before and after Antarctic blast: +39,7°C – a new August record / -6,5°C – 4,1°C from all-time national cold record! Gabon +33,8°C, Congo +36,7°C (August record and 0,3°C from August record)! MK August 29, 2021 In the last days, we were informed about extreme Antarctic cold...Read More
Cizre, Turkey: +47,5°C! It has never been so hot so late! Shush, Iran, +51,9°C! 2 min read Cizre, Turkey: +47,5°C! It has never been so hot so late! Shush, Iran, +51,9°C! MK August 29, 2021 Extremely hot weather has already shifted from the Mediterranean above Turkey...Read More
A possible Hurricane Julian should shift towards Europe, Tropical storm Kate towards Greenland! 2 min read A possible Hurricane Julian should shift towards Europe, Tropical storm Kate towards Greenland! MK August 29, 2021 Only in the last article, we warned before the strongest hurricane...Read More
BREAKING (!!!) TOP 1 weather event / natural disaster of the year! Catastrophic Hurricane Ida, Category 5, hit the USA (!!!) The strongest hurricane in Louisiana since 1850 (!!!) 4 min read BREAKING (!!!) TOP 1 weather event / natural disaster of the year! Catastrophic Hurricane Ida, Category 5, hit the USA (!!!) The strongest hurricane in Louisiana since 1850 (!!!) MK August 29, 2021 Only in the last article, we wrote about mass evacuations in...Read More
Hurricane Nora (Category 2) hits Mexico and Southwest, the USA! Mexicali with a new Mexican national August record, +50,6°C! 4 min read Hurricane Nora (Category 2) hits Mexico and Southwest, the USA! Mexicali with a new Mexican national August record, +50,6°C! MK August 28, 2021 Not only Gulf Coast and the eastern half of the USA...Read More
Typhoon Omais in South Korea: 98 mm / 1 hour! 4 min read Typhoon Omais in South Korea: 98 mm / 1 hour! MK August 28, 2021 Early this week, East Asia reported problems with a Typhoon Omais...Read More
People in Gulf Coast, the USA, are escaping from the strongest hurricane of the season (!!!) Hurricane Ida, Category 4, hits the USA in full power! 3 min read People in Gulf Coast, the USA, are escaping from the strongest hurricane of the season (!!!) Hurricane Ida, Category 4, hits the USA in full power! MK August 28, 2021 Although, after 10. September and maybe all October 2021, weaker parameters...Read More
Rare, 32 inches / 80 cm of snowfall in Atacama desert, Chile! More than the region has seen in the last half-century together! 3 min read Rare, 32 inches / 80 cm of snowfall in Atacama desert, Chile! More than the region has seen in the last half-century together! MK August 28, 2021 Only in the last article we wrote about extreme winter in...Read More
Tropical days (+32°C) in Central Europe around 10. September? In France (+36°C) will be hot much sooner! Hot in Spain (+38°C), Italy and Balkan (+35°C), the UK (+28°C) or Scandinavia (+25°C), too! 2 min read Tropical days (+32°C) in Central Europe around 10. September? In France (+36°C) will be hot much sooner! Hot in Spain (+38°C), Italy and Balkan (+35°C), the UK (+28°C) or Scandinavia (+25°C), too! MK August 28, 2021 After extreme late Summer coldwave, Europe should be prepared for a...Read More
Slovakian valleys +1,1°C, Hungarian lowlands +4,0°C, France only +3,7°C: Arctic air in continetnal Europe hit in full power! Around 3.9. should be in Alpine and Carpathian valleys -1/-2°C! 2 min read Slovakian valleys +1,1°C, Hungarian lowlands +4,0°C, France only +3,7°C: Arctic air in continetnal Europe hit in full power! Around 3.9. should be in Alpine and Carpathian valleys -1/-2°C! MK August 28, 2021 Extreme late-Summer 2021 coldwave is bringing expected temperatures very close to...Read More
Europe: Coldwave is bringing extremely cold maximum temperatures – Norway +1,6°C, Germany +9,9°C, Croatia +14,2°C, daily temperatures below +10°C until 2. September are possible 2 min read Europe: Coldwave is bringing extremely cold maximum temperatures – Norway +1,6°C, Germany +9,9°C, Croatia +14,2°C, daily temperatures below +10°C until 2. September are possible MK August 27, 2021 Extremely cold weather has arrived at the end of Summer 2021...Read More
Floods in the USA: New York after Hurricane Henri with 1-hour rainfall record, 1,94 inches (49,3 mm), floods in Tennessee caused 22 dead (state record 17 inches / 432 mm) and monsoon flooded Flagstaff, El Paso 5 min read Floods in the USA: New York after Hurricane Henri with 1-hour rainfall record, 1,94 inches (49,3 mm), floods in Tennessee caused 22 dead (state record 17 inches / 432 mm) and monsoon flooded Flagstaff, El Paso MK August 27, 2021 Floods at the end of Summer 2021 do not avoid either...Read More
Flood risk in Southern half of Europe in the next period! Cooldown already has brought floods in Marseille and Barcelona regions, France / Spain 2 min read Flood risk in Southern half of Europe in the next period! Cooldown already has brought floods in Marseille and Barcelona regions, France / Spain MK August 27, 2021 While cooldown in continental Europe is bringing relatively calm rains, winds,...Read More