Historic times for Siberia: -61,0°C has never been measured so early!

Only in the last article, we were informed, that temperatures in the coldest parts of Siberia dropped on 7. December 2021 historically low – below levels of all-time early-season temperature records /https://mkweather.com/the-strongest-early-frosts-in-siberia-in-history-delyankir-591c//.
Now, we are bringing a shocking update – the temperature in Delyankir, Siberia, for the first time in 10 years (including January and February!) dropped below -60,0°C (-61,0°C was measured) and the all-time December record for the city, -58,8°C was overcome by unbelievable 2,2°C.
This record very probably came from the last December days, but now is only 8. December.
So severe early frosts even have never appeared in Oymyakon, where a record for the first December decade is only -60,6°C.
Therefore, we should consider these frosts such as the worst early frosts in the coldest stations in Siberia in all-time history!
The monthly record from the last December days from Oymyakon has a value of -62,8°C.
Yakutsk is therefore facing an unprecedented crisis – people in the last decades didn’t use to be so strong frosts before Christmas, which should be associated with more existential problems in households, especially, when an extremely cold period is lasting and will be lasting very long – from late November, probably until mid-January 2021-2022.
Schools in the region were canceled, cities and villages are without outdoor life and the highest meteorological warnings are valid.
People are waiting for at least little weaker frosts, maybe around -55°C or -50°C, which are more survivable.
On 8. December 2021, maximum (!) temperatures in Oymyakon reached only -55,1°C (and minimum -58,9°C) and in Delyankir -53,8°C. Limitations for public activities and days considered such as extreme are already these with minimum temperatures below -50,0°C.
In the last period, thanks to the previous negative NAO and AO phases, old temperature records fell in many coldest parts of continents in Northern Hemisphere.
In Canadian Arctic, frosts up to -46,0°C have appeared, so far – in many regions, it´s the strongest earliest frosts since 2004 /https://mkweather.com/eureka-431c-the-lowest-temperatures-in-canadian-arctic-in-early-winter-since-2004/; https://mkweather.com/canada-460c-daily-records-in-yukon-were-broken//.
In Europe, the strongest early frosts since 1945 have surprised Sweden (-43,8°C) /https://mkweather.com/the-strongest-early-frosts-in-the-baltic-region-in-62-years-since-1959-tartu-estonia-276c-zoseni-latvia-264c//, the strongest early frosts since 1959 Estonia (-27,6°C) /https://mkweather.com/the-strongest-early-frosts-in-the-baltic-region-in-62-years-since-1959-tartu-estonia-276c-zoseni-latvia-264c// and in valleys in continental Europe was measured -22,0°C so far /https://mkweather.com/220c-in-pontets-france//.
All after anomalously cold Arctic, with the 2nd highest Arctic Sea Ice Extent in the last 15 years /https://mkweather.com/arctic-sea-ice-extent-is-the-2nd-highest-in-15-years/; https://mkweather.com/20-vessels-stuck-and-ice-locked-in-northern-sea-route-the-arctic//.
In the next weeks, the next strengthening of winter in the Northern Hemisphere is forecasted and unfortunately, the next historic values of temperature should appear in Europe, Asia, North America or even North Africa. If you live in colder regions, we highly recommend you to watch current weather news, forecasts, warnings, and advisories.
Cold weather has a bad impact on the virological situation, heart attack rates, many kinds of cancer, or should cause hypothermia.
Blizzards should cause widespread problems on roads, highways, or railways and power outages, including metropolitan areas.

We made it, we made it ! -61.0C on a December 8th, extremely cold and rarely seen in the 1st decade of December. While USA has lived its warmest December week on records, Europe and Asia are showing that extreme cold can still occur. https://t.co/J6ZejlsCbq
— Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) December 8, 2021
🥶 Extreme #cold in #Siberia 🇷🇺 with -59.5°C in Delyankir, near record level for early December!
— Thierry Goose (@ThierryGooseBC) December 7, 2021
-58.1°C in Oymyakon (new daily record).
Record for the first decade (1-10) of Dec. is -60.6°C. Monthly record is -62.8°C.
The Russian December record is -64.5°C in Verkhoyansk. pic.twitter.com/rLU89w1wJp
🔴DIRECT 🇷🇺 :
— SAV Culture (@sav_culture) December 8, 2021
-61,0°C relevés à #Delyankir, en Sibérie ! Cela fait plus de 10 ans que ce n'est pas arrivé ! pic.twitter.com/1OKv8V4uTY
Llegando a los -61ºC en #Delyankir #Siberia . La temperatura más fría en este invierno que acaba de comenzar
— RAM Revista del Aficionado a la Meteorología (@RAM_meteo) December 8, 2021
8 dic 2021 Datos de @ogimet pic.twitter.com/STRb5jWXoi
-61°C atteint en #Sibérie à Delyankir avec un air bien sec, vent calme et ciel clair.
— Keraunos (@KeraunosObs) December 8, 2021
Températures très rares pour un début décembre. Carte WeatherObs pic.twitter.com/zQL4WMwFbg
-61.0 °C Delyankir at 22h local time
— Zdenek Nejedly (@ZdenekNejedly) December 8, 2021
Thats it, below -60 °C lowest temperature in not so short time 🙂https://t.co/ovXod8ut2n pic.twitter.com/OLO22uE3pi
Tuesday 4:23 pm: Just because department…very cold air over northeastern Siberia (Russia). 2 stations colder than -70F at map time, Delyankir at -74F! #MYKGNSNEWS pic.twitter.com/ttSkcCy0dg
— Richard Heatwave Berler (@HeatwaveKGNS) December 7, 2021