-30°C in Baltic states possible! Siberian air already in Estonia: -26,0°C in Tudu!

Only in the last article, we were informed about legendary frosts in Sweden, where -42,7°C, the lowest national temperatures minimally since 1996, were on 6. December 2021 measured /https://mkweather.com/the-worst-predictions-came-true-sweden-427c-the-lowest-temperature-in-naimakka-in-december-in-all-time-history//.
Extremely cold weather is persisting in Scandinavia since 23. November 2021 and it partially hit the Baltic region in the last period, too /https://mkweather.com/arctic-air-has-shifted-above-the-baltic-region-and-scandinavian-capitals-southern-norway-269c-estonia-179c-oslo-160c-stockholm-120c-tallin-103c-helsinki//.
However, after a current Siberian outbreak, minimum temperatures in Baltic states dropped even lower, such as from Scandinavian blast before a few days.
Totally sovereign Siberian air masses, divided from coldwave in Scandinavia, brought in Estonia on 6. December extreme frosts up to -26,0°C in Tudu /https://www.ilmateenistus.ee/ilm/ilmavaatlused/vaatlusandmed/maxmin-ohutemp/?lang=en/.
Moreover, at 16:00 afternoon, the station in Tämi reported a temperature of only -25,2°C and it appears that the following night will be extremely cold, maybe rarely below -30,0°C!
From bigger cities, surprised Narva, so far, with only -24,9°C.
According to the current GFS forecast, the next 4 mornings, until Saturday, 10. December will be in Baltic states and neighboring Belarus and Russia extremely cold, with a possibility of occasional temperatures below -30,0°C.
Extremely cold air should hit NE Poland and northern Ukraine for a shorter time, too.
Extreme frosts will persist in parts of EUrope almost until the half of December 2021 /https://mkweather.com/natioanl-tops-nights-below-20c-purple-15c-dark-blue-and-10c-light-blue-in-frost-basins-valleys-or-lowlands-below-1000-masl-in-europe-until-21-december-2021//, with a possible return of extremely cold conditions around Christmas and New Year 2021-2022 /https://mkweather.com/winter-in-europe-will-return-around-christmas-and-new-year-2022-especially-in-the-central-and-eastern-sector-long-term-forecast-until-10-january-2022/; https://mkweather.com/white-christmas-2021-a-big-snow-forecast-for-europe-until-10-january-2022//.
Cold weather has a bad impact on the virological situation, heart attack rates, many kinds of cancer, or should cause hypothermia.
Blizzards should cause widespread problems on roads, highways, or railways and power outages, including metropolitan areas.
If you live in the Baltic region, we highly recommend you to watch current weather news, forecasts, warnings, and advisories.

The next 4 mornings in Baltic region /wetterzentrale.de
Russia supplies siberian cold weather to Estonia – and gas for heating to Germany? pic.twitter.com/JKHmjsSQC4
— OtsA (@OtsA20) December 6, 2021
This morning -24,2C were measured in Narva which is the lowest so far of the season. Almost -26C near Tudu, not far from Simuna (hydrological station, not meteostation). My station in Simuna measured -23,1C, also the lowest so far. I am currently in Karivärava, -21C here. ❄️ pic.twitter.com/sexv0ccUff
— 🇪🇪 Kairo Kiitsak (@kairokiitsak) December 6, 2021