Although extremely cold weather was forecasted to peak in Scandinavia around Sunday and Monday, 28.-29. November 2021, with possible minimum temperatures -37/-38°C, or even -40°C /https://mkweather.com/finland-290c-although-gfs-saw-only-20c-according-to-this-logic-40c-in-scandinavia-is-in-the-next-period-possible//, already last days brought into the region extremely strong frosts.
Firstly, -29,0°C was measured in Kevo, Finland on Tuesday, 23. November 2021, then -32,2°C on Thursday, 25. November at the same station /https://mkweather.com/finland-hit-the-coldest-november-temperatures-since-legendary-2010-and-will-be-even-worse-kevo-322c-fi-karasjok-310c-no-38c-around-28-29-november-is-possible// and Saturday, 27. November 2021, is even colder!
In Buresjön, 382 MASL, north-central Sweden, not so far from Stockholm, the minimum temperature fell to -34,7°C, which is an extremely low temperature for late November.
Suolovuopmi Lulit, Norway, reported -32,3°C, Kaukoteino, Norway, -31,8°C, and Karasjok, Norway, -31,3°C, so far.
Nikkaluokta in Sweden reported -31,2°C, Arvidsjaur, Sweden -31,0°C, Mierkenis, Sweden -30,8°C and Arjeplog, Sweden -30,4°C on Saturday.
According to fresh data, extremely cold mornings, between -35/-40°C should appear in Scandinavia from Sunday, 28. November to Wednesday, 1. December 2021.
Then, a return of severe frosts between 5.-7. December 2021 is still very possible.
Extreme frosts up to -20°C are still possible on Sunday, 28. November 2021 in Scotland, the UK, too.
Above continental Europe, extremely cold air will shift a little later, with first, little peak on 29.-30. November, but with a big, extreme peak, with a possibility of rare -30°C gradually between 3.-9. December 2021.
Mkweather will be furthermore informing about the situation in Scandinavia and other European regions – we will be watching temperature records and updates of forecasts, especially.

Severe frosts in the next days. Source: wetterzentrale.de

Return of severe frosts. Source: wetterzentrale.de
Coldest night of the season in #Europe with up to -34.7°C in Buresjön (#Sweden 🇸🇪). That's very cold for November.
— Thierry Goose (@ThierryGooseBC) November 27, 2021
Also -32.3°C in Suolovuopmi Lulit (#Norway 🇳🇴) and -29.6°C in Utsjoki Kevo Kevojarvi (#Finland 🇫🇮) [-32.2°C at this station on Nov. 25].
Map from @infoclimat. pic.twitter.com/EyTNQ7X1oj
Buresjön, Sweden -34.7 °C, yesterday at 21:00
— Zdenek Nejedly (@ZdenekNejedly) November 27, 2021
The lowest temperature in Europe this seasonhttps://t.co/O3r3d6hA8d pic.twitter.com/KasxGc9KVV