The 2nd level of warnings before severe storms from ESTOFEX was valid from Thursday to Friday 17.-18. June 2021 for eastern Spain, large parts of France and southern Belgium while from Friday to Saturday, 18.-19. June 2021, the most severe storms are shifting above northern Germany, northern Spain, Netherlands, northern Belgium and SW France (the 2nd level).
Severe storms are occupying Black sea region, too, but gradually, the first European supertropical heatwave in Summer 2021 is shifting eastward, above Central Europe, Italy, Eastern Europe and Balkan.
Severe storm cells already hit England and Alpine region, too.
In the Spain, severe storms on Thursday, 17. June 2021 brought 24-hour rainfall up to 110 mm (Aroche) and wind gusts up to 118 km/h (Cerler, Cogula) /El Tiempo. Hoy y últimos días – Resúmenes diarios anteriores – Mapa – Agencia Estatal de Meteorología – AEMET. Gobierno de España/.
In France and eastern England, up to 60 mm of rain has fallen from Thursday to Friday, 17.-18. June 2021 and in France, gusting winds up to 100 km/h has appeared.
In database ESWD, many hailstorm events was in last days in the Spain and Portugal reported, while from France, more severe winds was observed.
Flash floods and large hails bother too Turkey, Istanbul ended flooded early this week /Heavy rain causes flash floods in Istanbul – Turkey News (hurriyetdailynews.com)/.
Cold front with severe storms will be shifting across Europe until the next weekend /Warning! After heatwaves are coming violent storms! – mkweather/, accompanied with large hails, regional flash floods, gusting winds, damaging lighting and powerful cooldown.
After storm round, the 2nd round of anomalous heatwaves is forecasted for Europe already at the end of June and at the start of July 2021 /All-time national records should be broken! Greece +50°C, Italy +49°C, Romania / Serbia +46°C, Croatia/Bosnia +44°C, Hungary +42°C! The 2nd heatwave for Europe prepared! – mkweather; +40°C in Central Europe on last school day (30.6.) forecasted! – mkweather/.

Precipiation and maximum temperatures in Europe from Monday to Thursday, 14.-17. June 2012 /meteologix.com