After many warnings and advisories, abnormal heatwave is here!
Monday´s maximum temperatures in Italy are the highest since the record heatwave in 2007 – Palermo reports +43,5°C, what is only 0,5°C below all-time June record +44,0°C.
Catenanuova under Etna is reporting anomalous +45,1°C and the worst hell is only coming – for Wednesday and Thursday, 23.-24. June GFS for southern Italy forecasts 3-5°C higher temperatures such as for Monday, 21. June!
According to portal informazione.it, maximum temperatures around +47°C are expected on Wednesday and Thursday in southern Italy /Previsioni Meteo, super ondata di caldo dopo il Solstizio: è allarme al Sud, +47°C tra Mercoledì 23 e Giovedì 24 (insn) (informazione.it)/, but watchers from /Ondata di caldo giugno 2021 – Pagina 24 (meteonetwork.it)/ discuss about underestimated forecasts of many services, with possibility of temperatures +48°C or higher already during the next days, what should mean attack of all-time Italian temperature record from Catenanuova, +48,5°C, from 10. August 1999!
And it´s not all – at the end of June, the next, similar, or little bigger heatwave is forecasted for Italy, Greece and Balkan, with the next possibility of overcoming of all-time temperature records.
Hot sirocco should arrive in air masses around +30°C in 850 hPa and on leewards of the mountains, should develop “bubbles” of abnormally hot air, above +30°C in 850 hPa, with result of historic and deadly heatwave for Italians.
Meteorologists are saying about sirocco even for south-Central Europe /So hot has never been in June: +39°C in Hungary, Austria, Slovakia, Croatia, Bosnia or Serbia already on Thursday, 24.6.? – mkweather/, where on Thursday, temperatures above +37°C are forecasted.
Extremely hot air is flowing above the region from the hottest parts of Sahara in Algeria, where +52,4°C was in last days measured /+52,4°C in Algeria! The first official European +50°C is possible! – mkweather/.
Extreme heatwaves hit in last days Central Europe and Scandinavia /Sweden: The hottest June day since 1947, +34,6°C! – mkweather; +36,1°C in Slubice, Poland! Germany +36,9°C and 5 days above +35°C! – mkweather/ and after heatwaves, monstrous storms with 140 km/h winds, 10 cm hails and EF2 tornadoes are coming /10 cm hailstorms are shifting to Germany, CZ, CH, AU, DK, SE and N IT from France, PT, ES, BE, NL, LU! – mkweather; Belgium hit EF2 tornado with a twin: 17 injured, 92 buildings damaged – mkweather; 10 cm hails, 140 km/h winds, 10 tornadoes and 7 day forecast: Balance of weekend storms in Europe – mkweather/.
Severe storms are in next days forecasted for parts of northern Italy, too, with a possibility of very large hails, damaging winds and lighting and flash floods.

Source: wetterzentrale.de