In this special Mkweather article we will look at monthly composites of air temperature, precipitation, geopotential (air pressure), and zonal and meridional winds for June 2021, July 2021, and August 2021 in Europe, North America, and Asia.
Winter 2021 in Southern Hemisphere will be a subject of our interest already at the weekend.
Composites for all Summer 2021 or Winter 2021 (JJA 2021 together) for continents you already should find here: https://mkweather.com/a-big-special-composites-of-summer-winter-2021-in-continents-of-northern-southern-hemispheres-temperature-precipitation-air-pressure-zonal-winds-and-meridional-winds-anomalies/.
JUNE 2021
High geopotential (pressure) was located mainly in the northern half of Europe, Italy, and western Balkan.
Heatwaves occurred almost in all continent, with above-average June 2021 temperatures, but the hottest was in Italy, western Balkan, Central Europe, Baltic region up to Arkhangelsk. Colder anomalies appeared only above Istanbul, western Iberia, and Iceland.
Heavy rainfall and storms appeared from Iberia to Czechia and from SW Russia to Greece, little in parts of northern Europe. Drought appeared mainly in Italy, western Balkan, Hungary, Baltic states, and northern Poland, the northern half of European Russia, southern Scandinavia, and western British Islands.
Low geopotential appeared above almost all of Canada (and the Arctic), despite British Columbia, Prairies, Great Lakes region, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. Alon East Coast, a positive geopotential anomaly was outputted.
Extreme heat dome, which brought anomalous heatwave in Canada, caused large positive temperature anomaly fro British Columbia along all US-Canadian border, then up to Yukon on the north and up to Baja California in the south. From Nunavut to northern Labrador and above western Alaska, cold temperature anomalies appeared.
Above-average precipitation anomalies were recorded in the Gulf Coast region and Mexico, thanks to the early start of hurricane seasons 2021 and too in the Great Lakes region and along Alaskan and British Columbian coasts. Dry was in northwestern and north-central USA, western Canada, Central America, Florida, Hispaniola, or central Alaska.
Low geopotential anomaly was recorded above the Arctic, including northern Russia, and too above parts of China. Blocking high occurred above Western Russia including Western Siberia, high geopotential anomaly above Tibet, western Middle East, and parts of India.
Positive temperature anomalies were outlined above the Ural region, western Central Asia, almost all Middle East despite Yemen and Oman (where colder), parts of Central Siberia, Fra East, and the northern half of Japan, such as southern China, Vietnam, or Indonesia. Negative temperature anomalies appeared on the front side of blocking high above Western Siberia, including eastern Central Asia and Tibet, too in parts of India or the Philippines.
Above-average rainfall was reported from western India, Indonesia, Malaysia, NE China, northern Philippines. Drought occurred across Siberia, Tibet, Himalayas, Caucasus, and from Myanmar to Vietnam.
JULY 2021
Low geopotential above continental Europe and the Mediterranean, high geopotential above Iceland, Scotland, parts of Scandinavia, Baltic states, Belarus and Russia.
Highly above average temperature across the continent – mainly eastern half. Only above France, western Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Switzerland colder.
Heavy rains and storms with floods from northern Spain to England, western Belarus, and western Ukraine. Wet anomaly above Norway, westečrn Balkan, too. Dry anomaly above Eastern parts of Europe, eastern Balkan, Finland and eastern Sweden, Iceland, parts of Ireland and Scotland.
Mostly above-average geopotential anomalies, only Canadian Arctic and northern Alaska oppositely.
Still “heat dome” temperature anomaly, but starting monsoon in Southwest, wet Canadian Arctic and western Alaska, dry Central America.
Wet anomaly above western Gulf Coast and NW Mexico, Northeast and western Alaska. Dry anomaly in western Canada and the neighboring region of the USA with Canada, Central America, Yucatan, and the Caribbean, Mid-Atlantic.
Low geopotential anomaly above northern Siberia, Western Siberia and Kazakhstan, SE China, Taiwan, northern Philippines, and eastern Indonesia. Positive geopotential anomaly above Tibet, Himalayas, Oman, Japan, Korean Peninsula, and NE China.
Negative temperature anomaly above northern Siberia, Yemen, Oman, and NW India / N Pakistan, positive anomalies in many parts of western Asia, Japan, NE China, Far East, western and central India, eastern Indonesia, and southern Siberia.
Stormy monsoon Asia, despite Mumbai and western Himalayas region, North Korea, SE China, N Japan, dry Siberia, and Tibet.
Low geopotential from southern Scandinavia to Black Sea region and Iberia / NW Africa, high geopotential above Iceland, British Islands, Brittany, and Norway.
Cold continental Europe, the Baltic region and southern Scandinavia, hot Mediterranean, Eastern Europe, Iceland, and parts of Ireland and Scotland.
Stormy pattern from the Kola Peninsula to central Italy and Benelux, stormy central Iberia, dry Balkan and southern Hungary, Ukraine and central Russia, Caucasus, Iceland, southern Norway, SW France, S Italy.
Low geopotential above Canada, central USA, California, only East Coast and easter Canadian coast with high geopotential.
Mostly hot/warm, mainly western Canada, eastern Canada, eastern USA, and Greenland. Colder only in Alaska and Buffin Island.
Stormy western Gulf Coast, monsoon region in Mexico and SW USA, Panama, the eastern half of the USA, western coast of Canada and Alaska, northern Hudson Bay. Drier western Midwest, Caribbean, Central America, Florida.
High geopotential above Siberia, Central Asia, Iran, western Himalayas, Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, northern Philippines.
Warm anomalies – mainly SW Siberia, but cold in NW India / N Pakistan / N Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan, such as westernmost and northern China and Mongolia, Philippines, Taymyr, Yemen, and Oman.
Wet in southern SE Asia, dry in northern SE Asia, wet in Sri Lanka and the Maldives, dry above India excluding of Eastern Himalayas, wet Japan, Korea, and NE China, drier Siberia.

JUNE 2021

JULY 2021