In the last articles we were informed about extreme frosts in Italy, France, the Alps, and Central Europe – in NE Italy, -15°C was measured only in 800 MASL, in France -19,6°C in 975 MASL, in Grenoble, southern France was almost overcome 50-year cold temperature record, in Switzerland fell 0,5 meters and in Austria 40 cm snowfall and blizzard conditions hit many countries in continental Europe, Baltic region and Balkan /https://mkweather.com/northern-italy-with-15c-in-lower-situated-areas-rare-snow-in-sicily-and-sardinia-forecast/; https://mkweather.com/combe-de-loscence-france-196c-in-975-masl/; https://mkweather.com/linthal-switzerland-800-masl-with-05-meters-of-snow-koetzchach-austria-40-cm-next-3-days-will-come-the-next-snowfall/; https://mkweather.com/grenoble-france-384-masl-100c-the-coldest-temperatures-in-the-region-minimally-in-the-last-50-years/; https://mkweather.com/europe-hit-severe-snowstorm-10-30-rarely-up-to-50-cm-of-snow-is-reported-from-eastern-france-central-europe-baltic-region-and-balkan//.
Now, we will return back to Italy, where the next interesting temperature records were measured.
In Capanna Margherita, 4554 MASL, in the Alps, only -31,4°C was at the end of November 2021 measured /https://www.lastampa.it/vercelli/2021/11/30/news/gelo-alla-capanna-margherita-sfiorato-il-record-i-31-4-gradi-del-rifugio-piu-alto-d-europa-1.40978075/, which is temperature only 6,6°C above all-time record from winter frosts in the year 2012.
In a populated region in Appeninnes – Marsia, in Abruzzo, around 1400 MASL, only -17,8°C was at the end of November 2021 measured /https://www.blitzquotidiano.it/cronaca-italia/maltempo-freddo-e-gelo-in-abruzzo-178-gradi-a-marsia-tagliacozzo-161-gradi-a-campo-felice-3434792//.
In Roma, the temperature dropped only to +1,7°C, in Venezia and Bologna -0,7°C was measured, Milan reported -2,3°C, Pisa -3,0°C, in Turin -3,4°C, in Florence -3,6°C or in warmer Genoa +3,0°C, Naples +0,8°C or in Syracusa, Sicily, +4,6°C was measured.
Severe frosts have appeared in Balkan and even Greece, already, with -12,5°C in Ratece, Slovenia, -9,8°C in Bitola, North Macedonia, and -8,0°C in Florina, Greece.
The next severe cooldown with frosts and snow are in Italy and neighboring regions forecasted already around 3.-9. December 2021, with the next possible surprising temperature records or snowfall.
Meanwhile, this page is already prepared to watch extreme temperatures in Italian frost valleys in the Alps /https://doline.meteotriveneto.it/minima-assoluta// – during the last winter (2020/2021), unbelievable -45,9°C was in valleys elevated 1500 – 2500 MASL measured. Valleys in Italian Alps are the coldest valleys in European continent – in Winter 2012/2013, unbelievable -49,6°C was here measured.