Karajukića Bunari, Serbia: -23,8°C! Balkan, Eastern Europe, and the Baltic region with -15/-20°C, the next mornings will be colder!

Only in the last article, we were informed about anomalous temperatures up to -33,3°C in the Jura region, Switzerland, around 1200 MASL /https://mkweather.com/amburnex-combe-switzerland-333c-the-strongest-frosts-of-winter-2021-2022-in-continental-europe-so-far//, the coldest times in France since 2012 /https://mkweather.com/avignon-france-with-the-coldest-period-since-the-legendary-winter-2011-2012//, frosts up to almost -25°C in Czechia /https://mkweather.com/czechian-valleys-very-close-to-25c-30c-possibility-on-23-and-34-december-2021//, frosts below -22°C in Slovakia /https://mkweather.com/samelova-luka-slovakia-222c//, frosts up to -21°C in Poland /https://mkweather.com/poland-with-the-first-20c-of-the-winter-stuposiany-21c-suwalki-in-lowlands-163c-forecasts-expect-23c// and up to -20°C in Germany and Austria /https://mkweather.com/ranstadt-austria-836-masl-195c-oberstdorf-germany-810-mals-192c//.
In a series of 9 Mkweather articles, before articles from the world, we will look at extremely cold morning, 22. December 2021 in parts of Europe and many regional temperature records or very low measured minimum temperatures.
After records from Czechia, Slovakia, and Poland with -21/-24°C and Switzerland with unbelievable -33,2°C, frosts up to -20°C in Germany and Austria, and up to -10°C in the UK and Benelux we will shift above Balkan and Eastern Europe, where a peak of coldwave is only already beginning.
From all Balkan and Eastern Europe, from lower elevated regions, below 1200 MASL, the coldest morning, 22. December 2021, was measured in Karajukića Bunari, Serbia, with the minimum temperature of only -23,8°C!
Sjenica, Serbia, 1038 MASL, reported -19,5°C.
Large parts of Serbia, such as other parts of Balkan only before a short period reported severe blizzard /https://mkweather.com/beograd-serbia-tuzla-bosnia-and-herzegovina-with-40-cm-snowfall-most-of-balkan-after-a-blizzard// and snow cover from it was very helpful near declining of temperatures.
Very cold morning was reported from other Balkan countries and Greece, too, e.g. in Ratece, Slovenia, -13,9°C, in Bacau, Romania (only 175 MASL), -13,6°C, in Mavrovo, North Macedonia, -12,5°C, Plevlja, Montenegro, -11,6°C, or in Florina, Greece (650 MASL), only -9,6°C was measured.
In many parts of Balkan and in basins and valleys in Greece, ice days, with all-day frosts were regionally reported.
Ljubljana reported -3,9/+1,4°C, Zagreb -1,1 / +3,0°C, Belgrade -3,1/+2,5°C, Bucharest -11,1/+0,5°C, Sofia -9,3/0,0°C or Skopje -9,7/+3,3°C.
Very cold weather, but still with a relatively higher humidity has started in Eastern Europe and the Baltic region, with minimum temperatures -15/-20°C.
The coldest 22. December was reported from Jelgava, Latvia, with a minimum temperature of -18,7°C (maximum only -7,9°C).
Ukmerge in Lithuania reported -16,8°C / -6,7°C.
In Lyntupy, Belarus, the temperature was moving between -16,7°C / -8,1°C.
Jogeva, Estonia reported during the day -16,5 / -8,9°C.
In Ai Petri, Ukraine, the temperature dropped to -15,8°C.
Riga reported -9,7 / -5,6°C, Vilnius -14,1°C / -8,5°C, Tallin -10,3 / -4,5°C, and Minsk even Arctic day with -13,8 / -10,5°C (minimum / maximum).
Large parts of Balkan, Greece, Eastern Europe, and Baltic region for the Christmas peak of extremely cold weather only waiting.
From Central Europe namely, anomalously dry air on the backside of high pressure is shifting above the region.
Therefore, frosts below -20°C, in some countries below -25°C are on 23. or more eastward, on 24. December 2021, possible.
During the early January 2022 Siberian blast, even lower temperatures, rarely below -30°C, mainly in Eastern Europe, are possible /https://mkweather.com/frost-inferno-for-poland-ukraine-romania-its-abnormal-30c-40c//.
Mkweather will be furthermore watching the situation.
While the first 2 decades of December 2021 were in European mid-latitudes relatively milder /https://mkweather.com/esrl-composites-for-europe-for-the-first-4-pentads-of-december-2021-early-winter//, already around Christmas and New Year 2021-2022 is 40% chance, that AO index will fall extremely low, into the interval -5/-7 /https://mkweather.com/12-30-runs-of-gefs-expect-an-extremely-low-ao-index-from-5-to-7-for-christmas-time-and-new-year//.
This destabilization of polar vortex should be associated with extreme blizzards across Europe /https://mkweather.com/gfs-expects-extreme-blizzards-in-europe-regionally-20-70-cm-locally-up-to-1-meter-of-snow-possible// and according to the newest outputs, parts of the eastern half of the continent should until New Year receive 30-70, regionally up to 1 meter of snowfall.
Just for these areas, a current GFS returned abnormally cold weather around 5. January 2022 /https://mkweather.com/frost-inferno-for-poland-ukraine-romania-its-abnormal-30c-40c// /agrees with our long-term outlook /https://mkweather.com/the-long-term-forecast-for-europe-until-30-january-2022/; https://mkweather.com/the-long-term-snow-forecast-for-europe-until-30-january-2022//.
An Arctic Ice Sea Extent was in the last period the 2nd highest in the last 15 years /https://mkweather.com/arctic-sea-ice-extent-is-the-2nd-highest-in-15-years//, moreover, La Nina is ongoing and strong AO- and NAO- are expected, together with wet MJO above SE Asia and negative IOD (additional factors).
An absolute peak of Winter 2021/2022 however, is forecast between 31. December 2021 – 9. January 2022, so far /https://mkweather.com/the-long-term-forecast-for-europe-until-30-january-2022/; https://mkweather.com/the-long-term-snow-forecast-for-europe-until-30-january-2022//.
Classic warnings before a worsening of health problems such as hypothermia, virological situation, heart attacks, such as power outages, uprooted trees ar problems in travel are expected.
Therefore stay safe and warm.

Frost in whole Serbia this morning, minimum temperature in table below. Official automated station in village Karajukića Bunari (altitude 1167m) in SW Serbia had -23.8C.
— Milos Milic (@skomimaster) December 22, 2021
Snow cover on mountains: Kopaonik 92cm, Kukavica 55cm, Stara planina 49cm, Zlatibor and Crni Vrh 38cm. pic.twitter.com/p8e8luPlZH
Frost on every official automated station in Serbia at 21h local time.
— Milos Milic (@skomimaster) December 21, 2021
The coldest locations currently are Karajukića Bunari -19.4C, Sjenica -15.5C and Kopaonik -15.0C.
Data from official automated stations in Serbia available on: https://t.co/aQNdmvrCjD pic.twitter.com/4k55n0wsJr
Strictly along the line of the eastern border of #Ukraine. Ok, who will be the first to say Weather #warfare? https://t.co/LtN8SEWJGl
— Kir a/k/a Dober (@DoberGroup) December 22, 2021
Poor #Turkey and countries north of #Poland and #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/txabD6fwV3
— Weather and Climate Tracker (@GizmoWeather) December 22, 2021
Spikes in global prices combined with severe winter weather have left some Balkan countries scrambling to stay on top of energy crises.https://t.co/QBvHl4Q8KK
— BIRN (@BIRN_Network) December 16, 2021