Only last week, Argentina and Chile hit historic coldwave, with very rare snowing in Cordoba /Extreme winter in Argentina and Chile! Snowing in Cordoba the 1st time since 1975! Maquinchao -15,3°C, Balmaceda -13,3°C! – mkweather/ and frosts below -15°C in some localities.
From Saturday to Tuesday, 26.-29. June 2021, South-American states will be hit by the next extreme coldwave, with severe frosts in parts of Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, southern Brazil, northern Argetnina, northern Chile and coldwave partially hits even southern Peru!
Already last coldwave brought very low temperatures to Bolivia (Oruro, 3702 MASL, -11,4°C on 14. June 2021), Uruguay (Mercedes, -1,2°C, 18. June 2021, Urubici, southern Brazil (1811 MASL, -0,9°C, 17. June 2021) and Paraguay (San Juan Bautista Misiones, +5,8°C, 18. June 2021).
This, the second coldwave will be however even stronger, with possibility of temperatures up to -5°C in southern Brazil, even stronger frosts in Uruguay, Bolivia and possible ground frosts in Paraguay.
Severe coldwave is forecasted in South Africa, too /This image is real, and it’s in South Africa! The next powerful coldwave and snowing expected! – mkweather/ and cold temperatures hit already Australia /the next Mkweather article/.
Extreme frosts up to -81,7°C /updated; Antarctica is extremely cold, -80°C (+cold 30-day forecast), while World without global warming evidence – mkweather/ hit in last days Antarctica and until the half of July 2021, the next extreme coldwaves in the region are expected.
Antarctic blasts should be in next 2 months thanks to anomalously cold Antarctica extremely strong in South America, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand and while Northern Hemisphere is affected by abnormal heatwaves, in the south is possible negative temperature anomaly overall for Southern Hemisphere and powerful coldwaves with snowing and frosts in mentioned regions.

Source: wxcharts.com