The second heatwave of Summer 2021 brought across Northeast, the USA, temperatures almost +40°C / 104°F, which were alternated by a powerful cooldown.
In Boston, New York, or Baltimore, around 100°F / +38°C was at the last June 2021 days measured – in Boston, it´s only the 3rd time in history when 100°F was reached in June.
Then, a cold front accompanied by severe storms arrived and in Boston, it cooled down to 57°F / +13,9°C, which is the value at the level of the new daily temperature record.
Meanwhile, in western USA (and Canada), the next extreme heatwave /https://mkweather.com/the-next-extreme-heatwave-for-vancouver-seattle-portland-sanfrancisco-la-already-next-weekend-2021//, in southwestern USA monsoon rains /https://mkweather.com/southwestern-monsoon-is-here-arizona-new-mexico-nevada-utah-texas-with-a-possibility-of-flash-floods// and in southeastern USA Hurricane / Tropical storm Elsa /https://mkweather.com/hurricane-elsa-hits-florida-then-should-aim-towards-washington-d-c-june-2021-elsa// are forecasted.
While fore eastern half of the USA, stormy and not so excessively hot Summer 2021 was in Mkweather Summer forecast for North America forecasted, in West, severe drought, heatwaves and strong wildfire season were predicted /https://mkweather.com/summer-2021-forecast-for-north-america-hot-stormy-east-and-dry-west//.
The next shorter heatwaves hit Northeast around Wednesday and Sunday, 4. and 11. July 2021 and a big, extreme heatwave is possible around the middle of July 2021.