Abnormal heatwave in the southern half of South America is beginning and metropolitan areas in Argentina and parts of Uruguay and southern Brazil have already reported historically high temperatures.
In Buenos Aires, +41,1°C was on 11. January 2022 measured, which was the second hottest day in history! Almost 1 million people in the city hit power outages and the heatwave is deadly, with an increased incidence of health-related problems.
In Cordoba, Argentina, +42,5°C, in Bahia Blanca +42,8°C, in La Rioja, +44,0°C and in Rividavia +45,0°C was measured so far.
Still, it isn´t so hot such as during the previous heatwave in northern Argentina (up to +46,6°C in Pozo Hondo and +46,0°C in RIvidavia: https://mkweather.com/pozo-hondo-argentina-466c-paraguay-with-a-new-national-record-456c-hot-and-dry-january-2022-is-forecast/; https://mkweather.com/rividavia-argentina-460c-29c-below-all-time-record-paraguay-with-453c-w-new-december-national-record-buenos-aires-401c-new-december-record-and-patagonia-with-wi/).
Before the extreme heatwave, we warned here: https://mkweather.com/argentina-expects-hard-heatwaves-the-temperature-should-end-in-interval-45-50c/.
In the Andes, severe storms are moreover predicted.
Extremely hot air has already shifted above Uruguay, where +41,9°C in Salto was measured, which is only 0,3°C below all-time record from the year 1986.
Southern Brazil reports the hottest times since 1943! +41,5°C in Quaraì and +41,1°C in Uruguaiana were already measured and temperatures in the next days should be even higher.
Heatwave is forecasted to shift in the next days to northern Argentina, Paraguay, southern Bolivia, and Brazil, where the next series of temperature records will very probably appear.
According to Summer 2021/2022 and Autumn 2022 forecasts for South America, long-term and strong heatwaves with drought and wildfires are forecast for the region in the next months, thanks to La Nina /https://mkweather.com/summer-2021-2022-forecast-for-south-america-stormy-north-hot-and-dry-south-cold-and-dry-pacific-coast/; https://mkweather.com/autumn-2022-forecast-for-south-america//.
If you live in a wider La Plata region, we recommend you to watch current weather news, forecasts, and warnings.

Illustration picture: WMO, express.co.uk