Only in the last articles from the wider Sahel region we informed about floods in Somalia, Sudan, Chad, Niger, Nigeria, and Cameroon /https://mkweather.com/21-dead-after-floods-in-sudan-sahel-expects-the-next-floods/; https://mkweather.com/niger-nigeria-and-somalia-with-floods/; https://mkweather.com/sahel-nigeria-chad-niger-cameroon-with-floods-saharan-states-again-near-all-time-records//.
Floods in the region are continuing, and fresh news are saying about deadly floods in Addis Abbaba, capital of Ethiopia and Upper West region, Ghana.
In Addis Abbaba, such we should see on materials below was floodwater high almost up to roofs and 7 people have been killed.
In Upper Ghana, 1 dead was confirmed and severe floods destroyed many bridges and homes.
In the next period, severe floods are forecasted for the belt in the Sahel and northward from the Equator, mainly in Ethiopia, Cameroon, Nigeria and westernmost Western Africa, while heatwaves above Northern Africa / Sahara will be continuing.
Severe floods in Sahel from 2020 were much worse such as current-season floods, but a possible peak of floods should only come in the next weeks and months, mainly in the southern Sahel, yet.