Siberian winter in Europe with a peak around 20.1. 2022!? Scandinavia -45°C, Eastern Europe -30°C, continental Europe/Turkey -25°C, Balkan/France -20°C, the UK/Spain -18°C, Benelux -15°C

It appears, that during a longer break than was expected, Winter 2021/2022 will return in full power!
Forecast models expect significant cooling from northwest already in the 2nd and 3rd January 2022 pentads, but the worst should come in the 4th pentad (already in 10 days) when GFS sees a probability of the next peak of Winter 2021/2022 around 17. or 20. January 2022, with really freezing – in many parts of Europe the lowest temperatures of the winter!
Scandinavia appears after the following blast around 7. January / already the 3rd peak fo the Winter, with possible temperatures of up to –40/-45°C at the coldest stations and historic record from early December 2021 should be broken /
In the UK and Spain, temperature according to selected runs should drop up to interval -15/-20°C, to around -18°C, but it should be changing, yet, to warmer, or colder variants.
France appears below -20°C in valleys, similarly such as the Balkan and north-Italian valleys – in the Alps in famous valleys around 2000 MASL should temperatures reach below -40°C /
Continental Europe should be again anomalously cold, with temperatures in valleys up to -25°C, with a possibility of breaking the continental European record from regions below 1000 MASL from Poland, -24,9°C, which was measured after Christmas 2021 / Similarly cold will be populated valleys in eastern Turkey around 1500 MASL.
Near very low T850 hPa temperatures (maps at the end of the article), almost all Europe should be again covered by the snow and regional blizzards, with 20-40 cm snowfall is possible.
Extremely cold weather will appear after time in North Africa and the northern Middle East, with snowing in the mountains and valleys and heavy rainfall along coasts and in lowlands.
Extremely cold weather should be associated with health problems, power outages, complications in travel, and near blizzards with winds and snowfall with regional damages of property, therefore stay safe and warm. The forecast will be updated during the following 10 days a few times, yet.

Illustration maps: Mkweather estimate of regional minimum TOP temperatures in European regions in populated areas below 1000 MASL, in Turkey in 1500 MASL /

20. January 2022, 5.1. 06Z

17. January 2022, 5.1. 12Z

20. January 2022, 5.1. 18Z

17. January 2022, 6.1. 00Z


