Snow calamity hits parts of Europe! In these regions will be the highest snow cover!

Extreme winter conditions in Europe are beginning and after a 50-year temperature record from Sweden (-37,3°C) / and heavy snowfall in Czechia and Austria at the weekend, the next severe coldwaves /; and blizzards / are in Europe forecasted.
Regions with forecasted anomalous snow cover haven´t changed a lot, so far:
1.) The Alps and its wider region – eastern France, southern and central Germany, northern Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia
2.) The Carpathians – Moravia, Slovakia (mainly northern), neighboring Hungary, southern Poland, southwestern Ukraine, Romanian Carpathians
3.) The Pyrenees and northern Spain, NE Portugal
4.) Central Massif, France
5.) Ardennes – France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany
6.) Scotland, northern England, NE Wales
7.) Western and southern Balkan – mainly Dinaric Mountains and the Carpathians
8.) Apennines, Italy
9.) Poland, Ukraine
10.) Baltic countries, Belarus
11.) Norway, Central Sweden, Finland (+Iceland)
12.) Central and northern European Russia
13.) the Caucasus
14.) Northern and eastern Turkey (mountainous regions)
15.) Atlas – Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia
According to a few outputs even, southern parts of England or Hungarian lowlands should receive dozens of centimeters of snowfall.
The situation should be very critical mainly in Baltic countries, Alpine, Carpathian and Dinaric region, Poland and Ukraine, southern, warmer parts of Sweden and parts of Germany, eastern France, and Scotland.
Blizzard conditions should be accompanied by very low real-feel temperatures (thanks to winds), in mountainous populated basins and valleys, and more rarely in lowlands, below -20°C.
Blizzards should cause widespread problems on roads, highways, or railways and power outages, including metropolitan areas.
All period minimally 15. December 2021, in longer outlook possibly until the New Year 2022 / will be in the region extremely, or even legendary cold and our long term forecasts, therefore, were not mistaken /materials you will find here:
All should be linked with an extremely low NAO index / and anomalously cold Arctic /
If you live in possible hit regions, we highly recommend you to watch current weather news, forecasts, warnings, and advisories. Cold weather has a bad impact on the virological situation, heart attack rates, many kinds of cancer, or should cause hypothermia.
