The first summarizing articles with maximum and minimum temperatures measured during the last workweek we published here: https://mkweather.com/first-frosts-and-ground-frosts-are-here-extremely-cold-weather-in-continental-europe-will-continue-until-1-september-weather-maps/; https://mkweather.com/europe-coldwave-is-bringing-extremely-cold-maximum-temperatures-scandinavia-16c-germany-99c-croatia-142c-daily-temperatures-below-10c-until-2-september-are-possi/; https://mkweather.com/slovakian-valleys-11c-hungarian-lowlands-40c-france-only-37c-arctic-air-in-continetnal-europe-hit-in-full-power-around-3-9-should-be-in-alpine-and-carpathian-valleys-1/ + Scandinavia previous weekend: https://mkweather.com/winter-is-coming-southern-norway-43c-filefjell-drevsjo-30c-only-13c-above-all-time-august-record//.
Extreme late-summer coldwave is forecasted to bother parts of continental Europe until 2. September 2021, yet, with regional maximum temperatures below +10°C, but then, the next warm spell, in western Europe heatwave is prepared.
Now, we should look at the measured national TOP lowest minimum and maximum temperatures from the previous coldwave in Europe – updated maps are below the text content.
Some values stayed from the articles above, some were updated, here are reached anomalous maximum and minimum temperatures from Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, 28.-30. August 2021 (the most extreme values are marked by italic and bold font):
- Saturday, 28. August 2021: maximum temperatures: Slovakia Telgárt +15,0°C, Czechia Pec pod Sněžkou +11,7°C, Poland Zakopane +14,0°C, Germany Hohenpeissenberg +10,1°C, Austria Achenkirch +11,6°C, Switzerland Elm +12,3°C, Belgium Mont Rigi +13,7°C, Norway Kistefjell +6,0°C, Sweden Hemavan – Skorvfjallet +9,0°C, Finland Kilpisjarva Saana +9,0°C, Denmark Hammer Odde +14,7°C, the UK Great Dun Fell +13,8°C, Belarus Lyntupy +15,9°C, Croatia Puntijarka +14,0°C, Slovenia Lisca +12,3°C; minimum temperatures: Slovakia Vyšná Boca +1,1°C, Poland Zakopane +4,0°C, Austria Zeltweg +3,6°C, Switzerland / France La Brevine +1,6°C or Gueret St Laurent +3,7°C, Spain Nestares +5,0°C, Norway Filefjell / Folldal – Fredheim -3,3°C, Sweden Tjakaape -0,3°C, Finland Taivalkoski Paloasema -1,5°C, the UK Shap +1,9°C, Hungary Szeczeny +4,5°C, Slovenia Kocevje +4,5°C.
- Sunday, 29. August 2021: maximum temperatures: Slovakia Poprad +13,7°C, Czechia Pec Pod Sněžkou +13,7°C, Poland Zakopane +11,7°C, Germany Wasserkuppe +10,7°C, Austria Saalbach +11,3°C, Switzerland Elm +11,4°C, the Netherlands Lachen +15,0°C, Belgium Mont Rigi +11,7°C, Norway Kistefjell +6,8°C, Sweden Farosund +13,4°C, Finland Kilpisjarvi Saana +10,6°C, Denmark Hammer Odde +15,3°C, the UK Great Dun Fell +12,5°C, Ireland Malin Head +14,8°C, Lithuania Dukstas +16,0°C, Belarus Brest +15,9°C, Ukraine Shepetivkov +14,4°C, Slovenia Lisca +13,0°C, Croatia Puntijarka +13,6°C, Bosnia and Herzegovina Ivan Sedlo +13,0°C, Serbia Loznica +14,6°C; minimum temperatures: Czechia Pec Pod Sněžkou +5,7°C, Austria Neumartk +5,3°C, Switzerland Les Charbonnieres +5,3°C, France Aurillac +4,7°C, Norway Siheajavri -2,4°C, Sweden Naimaaka -2,4°C, Finland Sodankyla Vuotso -3,2°C, the UK Shap +4,5°C,
- Monday, 30. August 2021: maximum temperatures: Slovakia Liesek +10,7°C, Pec Pod Sněžkou +12,7°C, Poland Zakopane +10,4°C, Germany Wasserkuppe +11,0°C, Austria Aussee +11,2°C, Belgium Mont Rigi +13,6°C, Norway Nordnesfjellet +8,3°C, Finland Kilpisjarvi Saana +6,9°C, Denmark Nexoe Vest +16,0°C, the UK Cairnwell +8,3°C, Ireland Dublin +15,1°C, Belarus Brest +15,4°C, Slovenia Ratece +15,8°C; minimum temperatures: Czechia Pec pod Sněžkou +4,7°C, Austria Ablenz +3,5°C, France Gueret St. Laurent +3,5°C, Norway Filefjell -1,7°C, Finland Saala Naruska -2,4°C, the UK Cairnwell +4,6°C, Slovenia Kocevje +4,0°C, Croatia Gospic +3,0°C, Bosnia and Herzegovina Livno +3,9°C, North Macedonia Lazaropole +4,8°C.
Many of the measured temperatures in the last period (22.-30. August 2021) were very close to all-time August records, regionally, some records should be overcome.
Before us are the last 3 cold days yet – we will update measured temperatures soon. Mainly – on the backside of the cyclonic system, in building high pressure, should be temperatures in basins and valleys very interesting – in Alpine and Carpathian valleys below 1000 MASL, on 2.-3. September 2021, very rarely the first frosts of the season 2021/2022 should appear.
Therefore, dress still warm, an update of forecast the next heatwave / warm spell in Europe will be available on Mkweather already in the next days.

Map source: https://mapchart.net/europe.html