Already early this week, higher elevated parts of Carpathians received the first snowfall, while in the next hours, until Wednesday, 22. September 2021, the first snowflakes of the season should appear in lower situated areas around 800 – 1000 MASL /https://mkweather.com/the-arctic-blast-will-be-peaking-on-wednesday-snowing-around-800-masl-maximum-temperatures-3c-and-morning-frosts-in-european-mid-latitudes//.
The illustration photo is from Kasprowy Wierch, Poland, 1991 MASL (source: Twitter IMGW) – the temperature at the station in the last hours dropped to -4,4°C and ice day with the maximum temperature only -1,1°C appeared on Tuesday 21. September 2021.
Extremely cold was however in lower situated, densely populated metropolitan areas in the region – e.g. Lodz, Poland, 187 MASL, reported in the morning minimum temperature +0,7°C and severe ground frost.
Frosts appeared not in Slovakian and Polish valleys /data not available, yet, but a possibility of frosts around -3°C is real/, but too in Hungary – in Kakucson, -1,1°C or in Csévharaszton -0,4°C was according to idokep.hu measured /https://www.idokep.hu/hirek/megerkeztek-az-elso-oszi-fagyok/
In Lomnický štít, Slovakia (one of the highest peak of the Carpathians), 2633 MASL, -5,4°C was measured, so far, Chopok, 2006 MASL reported -4,6°C a Štrbské Pleso, 1355 MASL -1,5°C. In Telgárt, 901 MASL, 0,0°C, and in Poprad, 694 MASL, +0,1°C was measured.
Brunnenkogel, Austria, 3440 MASL, -7,3°C or Sonnblick, Austria, 3105 MASL, -5,1°C reported.
Zugspitze, Germany, 2960 MASL, -3,8°C reported, so far, Pian Rosa, Italy, 3480 MASL, -6,3°C.
From Vf. Omu, Romania, 2504 MASL, -5,4°C was reported.
In the case of snowing in lower situated areas, we will inform you on Mkweather soon.

Source: IMGW