+45°C values on GFS outputs were returned for Greece, but near sirocco, extreme temperatures should again surprise southern Italy, too.
For Bulgaria and Romania, GFS returned +42°C, for Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Hungary +40/+41°C.
While in northern Balkan and Hungary, heatwave should be peaking around 23. August 2021 (Monday), in Italy, southeastern and southern Balkan it should be around 27.-28. August 2021 (Friday-Saturday).
Summer 2021 very probably will end in parts of Central and Eastern Mediterranean such as the hottest in all-time history.
During the last weeks, all-time temperature records were broken in Turkey (+49,1°C), Italy (+48,8°C), Spain (+47,4°C), Tunisia (+50,3°C), or Morocco (+49,6°C) /https://mkweather.com/all-time-record-in-turkey-491c-the-heatwave-is-deadly/; https://mkweather.com/siracusa-italy-488c-european-all-time-temperature-record-was-broken/; https://mkweather.com/montoro-spain-474c-all-time-national-record-madrid-the-hottest-day-in-history-427c/; https://mkweather.com/tunisia-503c-the-highest-temperature-in-the-country-in-modern-history/; https://mkweather.com/all-time-record-in-morocco-496c//.
Hot conditions above the Mediterranean has shifted from tropical latitudes, where series of temperature records were reported during Spring 2021, when during AO-/NAO- phases were accumulated hot air masses above Sahara, Middle East, India, Thailand, or Mexico, while Europe and the next parts of Northern Hemisphere were suffering extremely cold spring weather.
During Autumn 2021 is possible, that hot weather will return again above the tropical climate zone, gradually, but September will be in Mediterranean still very hot /https://mkweather.com/6-week-forecast-for-europe-the-first-ground-frosts-for-eastern-europe-and-summer-times-for-nw-europe-and-the-mediterranean//.

Source: wetterzentrale.de