Extremely warm was the end of the year in the region, too, with a maximum temperature of +18,8°C in Switzerland /https://mkweather.com/croatia-205c-switzerland-188c-austria-183c-hungary-180c-slovakia-162c//.
On New Year, the warmest was in Koeflach, Austria, 462 MASL, +18,8°C.
Főnyed, Hungary, reported +17,5°C – it was the warmest New Year in the country in history /https://dailynewshungary.com/the-first-day-of-2022-was-the-warmest-january-1st-in-101-years//.
Wielenbach in Germany reported on 2. January 2021 +17,3°C.
The warmest New Year in history was observed in Slovakia and Czechia, too, with +15,7°C in Dudince and +15,7°C in Kopisty.
Legnica Bartoszow, Poland, reported +13,9°C on 1. January 2022.
Warmest New Year in Denmark brought +11,0°C in Vamdrup.
Extremely warm winter weather hit in the last period gradually almost all Europe – Spain, Portugal, France (+26,4°C), Italy (+21,2°C in almost 1400 MASL) /https://mkweather.com/portugal-and-spain-264c-both-portugal-with-a-new-monthly-record-spain-reports-winter-wildfires/; https://mkweather.com/france-264c-in-january-212c-in-the-alps-in-italy-1381-masl//, Croatia (new national January record, +21,6°C: https://mkweather.com/croatia-with-a-new-all-time-january-record-knin-216c-extremely-warm-all-balkan/) and the UK, +16,5°C (London +16,2°C) – new New Year´s records /https://mkweather.com/the-warmest-new-year-in-london-in-history-163c-frosts-between-4-9-and-warm-between-13-18-january-are-forecast//.
Already from 6. to 11. January 2022, will return into Central Europe severe frosts, with a possibility of temperatures in interval -15/-20°C in the coldest valleys during a peak. Lowlands will be warmer, only a few degrees below 0°C.
A shorter warm period is possible before 15. January 2022.

Illustration picture: Daily News Hungary Twitter