In the series of 9 articles, we are focusing on extremely high temperatures in Europe (from the current winter heatwave) and from the world, and on New Year 2022, we will return to colder regions.
Extreme winter warming up has already shifted to Central Europe, where almost +20°C was on 31. December 2021 measured, but anomalously warm was in the British Islands, France, and Iberia, too.
In central-European region was the warmest on 31. December 2021 in Knin, Croatia, +20,5°C.
The town of Acquarossa in Switzerland reported an astonishing +18,8°C on 30. December 2021.
In Austria, up to +18,3°C was measured (31.12.2021) /e.g. Reichenau with +18,0°C/.
Sopron in Hungary reported +18,0°C on 31.12.2021 similar as in other countries in the region, the highest temperature of the winter.
In Bratislava, Slovakia, +16,3°C was measured (31.12.2021), so far, but on 1. January 2022 should be maximum temperatures in East-Central Europe even higher.
In Czechia, +15,3°C from Ceske Budejovice and in Poland +14,6°C from Legnica Bartoszow, were reported, so far (31.12.2021).
Interesting +9,7°C was measured in Kalmar and +9,3°C in Malmo, Sweden.
Anomalous weather hit in the last days Spain and Portugal (+26,6°C / +24,3°C) /https://mkweather.com/summer-in-spain-266c-malaga-with-an-all-time-december-record-260c-sines-in-portugal-with-243c// France (+24,4°C) /https://mkweather.com/summer-on-sylvester-in-france-244c// Germany (+16,9°C) and Benelux (+15,5°C) /https://mkweather.com/extremely-high-169c-in-germany-frankfurt-with-all-time-december-record-165c//, too.
London reported the latest +15°C in history /https://mkweather.com/london-with-the-latest-15c-in-history-153c//.
Extremely warm air has origin in Morocco, where up to +31,7°C and almost +30°C in Algeria was measured /https://mkweather.com/agadir-morocco-with-a-tropical-317c-ouallene-algeria-297c-naples-italy-217c-37c-below-all-time-december-record//.
On 1. January 2022, extremely warm day is across all Europe forecast /https://mkweather.com/20c-on-new-year-2022-in-european-mid-latitudes-extremely-warm-air-already-in-spain-air-from-north-africa-260c//, while the next coldwave is in long-term outlook /https://mkweather.com/scandinavia-should-repeat-40c-continental-europe-with-the-3rd-20c-coldwave-hopes-for-winter-in-europe-between-10-31-january-2022-maybe-earlier/ – information about the next Arctic coldwave in Europe will be updated soon/.

Illustration picture: https://zahradkar.pluska.sk/okrasna-zahrada/uzasna-sila-snezienok-viete-ako-chrania-pred-mrazom

Illustration picture: newb.ly