While Northeast and eastern Midwest, the USA is after blizzard /https://mkweather.com/buffalo-45-cm-17-6-inches-boston-28-cm-11-inches-new-york-21-cm-8-4-inches-northeast-after-the-first-big-blizzard-of-the-season/; https://mkweather.com/nashville-tennessee-with-63-inches-16-cm-of-snow-the-highest-snowfall-since-2016-and-23rd-in-history//, Northwest, the USA reports anomalous snowfall in the mountains and severe floods in lower situated areas.
The worst situation is in Washington state, where Seattle was cut off from some parts of the state by the severe blizzard.
In Leavenworth, only 357 MASL, fell 92 cm / 36 inches of snow and the city is in an emergency regime.
Some areas should receive 48 inches in 48 hours according to /https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/newsus/national-guard-to-assist-leavenworth-after-a-state-of-emergency-declared/ar-AASxTry?ocid=winp-st/.
Seattle recorded 51 mm / 2 inches of rain on 6. January 2022, its 7th-wettest January day on record, and Seattle recorded the 5th wettest first week of January, too.
Hoquiam, Olympia, and Quillayute, also saw some of their wettest days on record. Hoquiam received 152 mm / 6 inches of rain, its highest one-day total on record, and Rainier, southwest of Olympia, had 254 mm / 10 inches of rain, according to /https://www.hostagenews.com/record-rain-and-snow-shut-down-roads-and-schools-in-washington-state// and NWS.
The result of the severe blizzard in the mountains and heavy rains in lowlands and along the coast are severe floods and avalanches.
Only at the end of December, Seatlle reported extremely low temperatures – the lowest since 1990 / 2010 /https://mkweather.com/seattle-with-the-coldest-day-since-1990-and-the-coldest-night-since-the-legendary-year-2010// and it appears, that the rest of Winter 2021/2022 will be very cold in Northwest and northern USA /https://mkweather.com/kentucky-like-tornadoes-for-the-usa-in-january-and-february-2022-cfs-sees-extreme-temperature-differences-across-the-continent-and-sharp-frontal-boundaries-for-midwest-southeast/; https://mkweather.com/ecmwf-6-week-forecast-for-the-usa-canada-mexico-until-21-february-2022//.
In the next weeks, Arctic blasts should very soon return, with the next snowfall and severe frosts.
Extreme frosts up to -53,5°C – the lowest provincial since 2008 /the next Mkweather article/, were at the weekend measured in Yukon, Canada, and they will be finding a way to the south, soon.

Source: watchers on Twitter (emma23820077)