Cold weather is persisting in the USA since early January 2022 and for a peak of winter, we should consider the last days, when were within the territory of the USA measured (in latitudes under 48°) the lowest temperatures of the season.
On 4. February 2022, -48°F / -45°C was measured in Antero Reservoir in Colorado, and 3. February 2022 brought -45°F / -43°C in North Dakota.
All after a severe blizzard, which hit the region from Texas to Maine at the beginning of February 2022, with regional blizzard conditions or dangerous ice rain.
In western Alabama, even, the first deadly tornado of the year 2022 appeared (EF2) /https://www.accuweather.com/en/severe-weather/deadly-tornado-leaves-trail-of-devastation-in-alabama/1137581/.
Only in the last hours, in Northeast fell up to 21 /53 cm inches of snow. The next blizzard is coming after a historic event in the Boston area /https://mkweather.com/the-most-powerful-blizzard-in-boston-in-history-23-9-inches-61-cm-in-24-hours-nearby-30-6-inches-78-cm//.
Severe frosts up to 19°F / -7,2°C in the last weeks hit even warm Florida /https://mkweather.com/frosts-and-ground-frosts-in-florida-and-the-caribbean-live-oak-florida-72c-19f-tallahassee-florida-67c-20f-orlando-11c-34f-tampa-22c-36// and the peak of winter appeared in Mexico /https://mkweather.com/a-peak-of-the-winter-in-mexico-la-rosilla-170c//.
Extremely cold weather hit eastern Canada and Greenland, too /https://mkweather.com/quebec-hit-extreme-frosts-up-to-480c-ottawa-reported-the-lowest-temperature-since-1996-318c-and-experiences-with-the-coldest-january-since-2004/; https://mkweather.com/summit-greenland-624c-the-lowest-temperature-in-northern-hemisphere-in-winter-2021-2022-the-next-1-2-weeks-should-be-even-colder//
According to a fresh ECMWF 6-week forecast /https://mkweather.com/ao-will-bring-spring-weather-in-the-usa-at-the-end-of-february-and-in-march-2022-ecmwf-6-week-forecast-until-21-3-2022//, the last extreme Arctic blasts are predicted for the USA until 20. February 2022.
Then, AO+ and early-spring conditions, similarly, such as in Europe, will very probably come.
If you live in the coldest parts of the USA, will be prepared for the last attack of the winter – we recommend you to watch current weather news, forecasts, warnings, and advisories.

Illustration picture: https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansAreMetal/comments/f01vig/if_cold_was_a_person/; https://www.reddit.com/r/FreezingFuckingCold/comments/eql8iy/freezing_cold/; https://www.statnews.com/2015/12/24/freeze-fat-weight-loss/