Only in the last article, we were informed about the coldest day in November in the last 50 years in the Nikkaluokta region, Sweden (-37,3°C on 28. November 2021: https://mkweather.com/nikkaluokta-sweden-with-legendary-373c-the-coldest-temperatures-in-november-in-the-last-50-years/).
The UK and Spain were the last night thanks to high humidity and wind warmer than was forecasted, but extreme winter should surprise the following morning or in the next weeks, yet /https://mkweather.com/historic-hailstorm-hit-alicante-spain-legendary-frosts-in-spain-and-portugal-around-10-december-moreover-possible//. In the UK, before the storm, warnings of the 3rd level were valid before severe winds, which killed at least 2 people at the weekend and severe frosts are forecasted to return above parts of British Islands already between 2.-9. December, according to current GFS outputs.
Even worse should be the situation in central Europe, where already in the next 10 days, frosts in an interval -20/-25°C should appear in lower situated basins and valleys below 1000 MASL and a possible frosts -25/-30°C should be threatening the coldest valleys in continental Europe, from eastern France to western Ukraine, already around 8.-9. December 2021, according to 12Z runs from 28. November 2021.
In the coldest regions, very rare Arctic days, with maximum temperatures below -10°C and temperatures below -15°C in 850 hPa are possible.
In metropolitan areas, all-day frosts (ice days with maximum temperatures below 0°C), snowing and extremely cold nights, -10/-15°C, regionally -15/-20°C, rarely below -20°C are possible.
On Saturday, 27. November 2021, extremely cold air was shifted more above France, where a possibility of -30°C wasn´t fully excluded /https://mkweather.com/shocking-gfs-outputs-legendary-frosts-up-to-30c-for-france//, now it appears, that hit will be mainly eastern France, Germany, Alpine region, East-Central Europe, but to Italy, Balkan, and Eastern Europe.
Moreover, mainly in mountainous regions, but regionally in lowlands too, a snow calamity is in the next period possible /snow forecast for Europe will be updated soon on our homepage/.
All period minimally 15. December 2021, in longer outlook possibly until the New Year 2022 /https://mkweather.com/long-term-forecast-until-2-january-2022-extreme-arctic-winter-in-europe-until-new-year// will be in Europe anomalously, or even legendary cold and our long term seasonal forecasts, therefore, were not mistaken /materials you will find here: https://mkweather.com/winter-2021-2022-forecast-for-northern-hemisphere//.
All should be linked with an extremely low NAO index /https://mkweather.com/nao-index-falls-to-2-0-the-lowest-value-since-legendary-35c-frosts-in-europe-in-january-february-2021-or-206c-in-april-2021// and anomalously cold Arctic /https://mkweather.com/arctic-sea-ice-extent-is-the-2nd-highest-in-15-years//
Cold weather has a bad impact on the virological situation, heart attack rates, many kinds of cancer, or should cause hypothermia.
Blizzards should cause widespread problems on roads, highways, or railways and power outages, including metropolitan areas.
If you live in Europe, we highly recommend you to watch current weather news, forecasts, warnings, and advisories.

Source: wetterzentrale.de

Source: wxcharts.com