In series of previous /Žlobin, Belarus: +35,7°C! All-time June national record! – mkweather; Moscow expects +36°C – the hottest June day in history! Verkhoyansk with the highest all-time ground temperature, +48°C! – mkweather; Finland is expecting +36°C, Estonia +37°C on Tuesday, all-time national records have values +37,2°C and +35,6°C – mkweather/ and planned articles on Mkweather (Latvia 0,9°C from all-time June record, +33,7°C, St. Petersburg with supertropical night, +25,0°C) we have informed about anomalous situation above northeastern Europe.
Heatwave has origin in central parts of Europe, Balkan, Italy and Sahara /Sirocco for Central Europe? Hungary should attack +40°C on Thursday! – mkweather; Italy: After 2 days with +45°C, real hell is coming! Heatwaves in Italy are stronger such as in 2003! – mkweather; Tunisia +47,9°C, only 0,4°C below all-time June record! – mkweather; +52,4°C in Algeria! The first official European +50°C is possible! – mkweather/.
Tuesday, 22. June 2021 was extreme day in Finland.
Maximum temperatures reached up to +33,6°C in southeastern parts of the country, what is only 0,2°C below all-time national June record.
In Tampere, all time temperature record from 1914 was broken. The newest value of the highest temperature in the city in history is +33,2°C!
Across Finland, many monthly and all-time absolute temperature records has fallen on Tuesday.
In Estonia, +34,4°C was measured on Monday and +34,1°C on Tuesday, 21.-22. June 2021, what are values above all-time June temperature records.
St. Petersburg reported 2 extreme hot nights with minimum temperatures +25,0°C and +24,6°C in Monday´s and Tuesday´s mornings.
Belarus reported all-time national June record, +35,7°C and Moscow is expecting overcoming of all-time June record with temperatures up to +36°C until Friday, 25. June 2021.
In Sweden, all-time June record fell in previous week /Sweden: The hottest June day since 1947, +34,6°C! – mkweather/.
In Ukraine, temperatures should reach until the end of week +39°C.