After the all-time European record from Siracusa, Italy (+48,8°C), the next attack of pressure high/heat dome named by British meteorologists “Lucifer” in Spain, Portugal will be peaking already around the weekend and in the south too on Monday, 14.-16. August 2021 /https://mkweather.com/siracusa-italy-488c-european-all-time-temperature-record-was-broken//.
On outputs of an American model, similarly such before a time for Italy /https://mkweather.com/american-model-returned-for-italy-for-8-august-50c-heatwave-in-greece-is-the-longest-lasting-since-1987-croatia-42c//, appeared at the end of workweek anomalously hot temperature for Andalusia, southern Spain, +50°C.
The all-time national record for Spain has however value only +47,3°C from Montoro, 13. July 2017. The same station (Montoro), according to AEMET already on Friday, 13. August, reported +46,2°C, only 1,1°C below the national record.
In Cordoba, +45,7°C and in Granada, +45,6°C was measured.
Extremely hot was on Friday in southern France, too, in Cotignac, +41,9°C.
In the next days, the heatwave will be shifting from Iberia, southern France, northern Africa, and southern Italy above northern Italy, Alpine region, Central Europe above Balkan and Ukraine, where temperatures above +40°C, in Balkan, Italy, Greece, and Turkey again above +45°C, rarely around +47/+48°C are expected.
Chances for a new national record in Spain are very high already on Saturday and Sunday, both, extremely hot will be in Andalusia Monday, 16. August, yet.
National records are later possible in southern Central European countries such as Balkan Peninsula.
After Italy (+48,8°C) /link above/ and Turkey (+49,1°C) /https://mkweather.com/all-time-record-in-turkey-491c-the-heatwave-is-deadly// it should be the third important Mediterranean temperature record in 2021 and anomalously high temperatures were already measured in Greece (+47,1°C), too /https://mkweather.com/greece-471c-only-09c-below-european-record-north-macedonia-441c-bulgaria-425c-and-tirana-albania-422c-all-time-record-while-wildfires-are-raging-across-all-mediterranean//.

Source: wetterzentrale.de