While in Europe, ongoing extreme coldwave with the first frosts and ground frosts and very low maximum temperatures is bothering many countries /https://mkweather.com/first-frosts-and-ground-frosts-are-here-extremely-cold-weather-in-continental-europe-will-continue-until-1-september-weather-maps/; https://mkweather.com/winter-is-coming-southern-norway-43c-filefjell-drevsjo-30c-only-13c-above-all-time-august-record//, into Iceland, Greenland, and Scotland is flowing extremely hot/warm air, with anomalously high temperatures, such was promised earlier /https://mkweather.com/the-first-rain-in-summit-the-highest-peak-of-greenland-ever/; https://mkweather.com/tasiilaq-greenland-236c-only-17c-below-all-time-record-and-summer-days-possibility-of-27c-are-coming//.
Meanwhile in Summit, Greenland, 3219 MASL, rain appeared for the first time in history /link above/ and in Narsarusuaq, southwestern Greenland, the maximum temperature reached +20,1°C on 22. August 2021, Iceland reported in the last hours a real heatwave!
Little municipality in Iceland (Hallormsstaður) reported on Wednesday, 24. August 2021 historic +29,3°C, what is the highest maximum temperature in the country in August in all-time history! /https://icelandmonitor.mbl.is/news/nature_and_travel/2021/08/25/record_temperature_in_east_iceland/?fbclid=IwAR2nfG_UDDjYucXk8DSncqj6LYPNYNxll5trmknEKYHLL7z1ayCSNLd1PV8/
All-time records were set in Grimsey Island with +22,3°C and in Bru with +27,3°C on 24. August 2021.
The national record for the country from summer 1939 has a value of the only +30,5°C.
Only a day later, an extremely hot day shifted above Scotland, the UK, where +27,2°C in Tyndrum, Scottish Highlands, was measured.
Temperature from 25. August 2021 in Scotland is the highest temperature within all UK in August 2021 according to MetOffice statistics.
Warm or at least relatively warm and sunny weather is forecasted for parts of Northwestern Europe untypically in the next period, too – in the UK minimally until 2. September 2021 and in Iceland and eastern and southern Greenland´s coast until probably 10. September 2021, with the next temperature records.