In the last days, we were informed about an extreme Antarctic blast in south-Africa states /https://mkweather.com/south-africa-namibia-botswana-zimbabwe-and-mozambique-with-an-extreme-antarctic-blast-at-the-weekend-level-6-snow-warnings-in-sar/; https://mkweather.com/botswana-before-and-after-antarctic-blast-397c-a-new-august-record-65c-41c-from-all-time-national-cold-record-gabon-338c-congo-367c-august-record-and-0// and extreme coldwave hit South America, too /https://mkweather.com/extreme-winter-in-argentina-2-meters-of-snow-and-20c-temperatures-after-a-powerful-antarctic-blast/; https://mkweather.com/rare-32-inches-80-cm-of-snowfall-in-atacama-desert-chile-more-than-the-region-has-seen-in-the-last-half-century//.
Forecasts for South Africa weren´t mistaken and snow has appeared in many regions for the first time in history, e.g. in Drummond or Killarney.
According to /https://snowreport.co.za/snow-possible-sa-lesotho-namibia-johannesburg-26-aug-2021//, 10-50 cm of snow fell mainly in regions southward from Lesotho and northeastward from Cape Town.
According to South African Weather Service, disruptive snowfall appeared in these parts of the country, with Level 6 Snow Warnings at the end of August 2021.
Mountainous regions in Western Cape reported a record 50 cm of snow and some people from Cape Town were travelling past snow to see it with their own eyes. In Eastern Cape, up to 30 cm was reported.
Snowing appeared in some regions already around 700 MASL and snow was observed in traditionally warmer regions.
According to /https://www.timeslive.co.za/news/south-africa/2021-08-27-cape-winelands-towns-receive-good-rain-snow-blankets-matroosberg//, lowland regions and coasts reported heavy rain with 24-hour rainfall up to 69,2 mm in Stellenbosch in Cape Winelands, 50,0 mm in Atlantis, Cape Town or 58,0 mm in Elgin Grabouw, Overberg.
All this precipitation in higher elevated and densely populated basins fell regionally in snow.
Light snowfall was even reported from warm Namibia.
In Barkly East, the minimum temperature on 29. August fell to -9,0°C, Gobabis, Namibia reported on 29. August -2,9°C or Tsabong, Botswana on 30. August -2,3°C. In frost valleys should be temperatures even lower, in South Africa up to -15°C, in Namibia and Botswana around -7°C.
On the Internet, appeared powerful photos with giraffes or rhinos in snowy conditions, many agricultural lower situated regions or vineyards were affected.
Coldwaves will appear in south-Africa states in the next weeks, too, but they will be weakening gradually /https://mkweather.com/ecmwf-6-week-temperature-forecast-europe-north-america-world//, although, colder and stormy Spring 2021 in the region is expected /https://mkweather.com/spring-autumn-forecast-for-africa-mostly-hot-and-dry-parts-of-sahel-equatorial-africa-stormy-and-south-africa-stormy-and-cold//.