Nikkaluokta, Sweden with legendary -37,3°C! The coldest temperatures in November in the last 50 years!

Only in the last articles, we were informed about extremely cold weather in Scandinavia.
-29,0°C was measured in Kevo, Finland already on Tuesday, 23. November 2021, the same station on Thursday, 25. November reported -32,2°C / It was the coldest November times in Finland since the legendary year 2010.
Then winter surprised on Saturday, 27. November in north-central Sweden, where -34,7°C in Buresjön was measured /
Mornings from Sunday, 28. November to Wednesday, 1. December 2021 ware forecasted to bring anomalously cold temperatures up to interval -35/-40°C and the first historically cold morning has already appeared on Sunday, when -37,3°C in Nikkaluakta, Sweden, was measured.
These temperatures are the coldest November times in the region since 1970-1980 – for the last 40 – 50 years!
Extremely cold was in Kaukoteino, Norway, too, only -35,3°C.
Minimally 3 extremely cold peaks of Arctic blasts, with legendary frosts possibility below -40,0°C are in the next period forecasted / outputs below – depressions should be 10°C colder than returned values from model/ – until Wednesday 1. December, then between 4.-6. December and with a peak around 12.-13. December 2021.
All period minimally 15. December 2021, in longer outlook possibly until the New Year 2022 / will be in the region extremely, or even legendary cold and our long term forecasts, therefore, were not mistaken /materials you will find here:
All should be linked with an extremely low NAO index / and anomalously cold Arctic /
Cold weather has a bad impact on the virological situation, heart attack rates, many kinds of cancer, or should cause hypothermia.
Blizzards should cause widespread problems on roads, highways, or railways and power outages, including metropolitan areas.
If you live in /not only northern/ Europe, we highly recommend you to watch current weather news, forecasts, warnings, and advisories.

One of Sweden’s coldest November nights on record 🧦❄️🥶
— Lucy Verasamy (@LucyWeather) November 28, 2021
-37.3 °C Nikkaluokta, Sweden
— Zdenek Nejedly (@ZdenekNejedly) November 28, 2021
– the lowest temperature of this season in Europe
– the lowest in November in the last 40-50 years, the November record is -39.0 °C from 1952