Already in the last article, we informed about anomalously cold Sunday, 22. August 2021 in Scandinavia, where -4,3°C in lower situated areas was measures and only around 1°C was missing to reach all-time August record in Drevsjo region, southern Norway /https://mkweather.com/winter-is-coming-southern-norway-43c-filefjell-drevsjo-30c-only-13c-above-all-time-august-record//.
An extreme late-summer / early-autumn coldwave at the end of August / at the start of September 2021 was our interest in previous articles /https://mkweather.com/the-next-2-weeks-without-summer-a-big-arctic-forecast-for-european-cities-maximum-temperatures-locally-10c-damages-on-sensitive-plants-frosts-a-worsening-of-virological-situation-diffic/; https://mkweather.com/10-15-day-coldwave-for-europe-maximum-temperatures-only-8-14c-regionally-and-the-first-frosts-in-valleys/; https://mkweather.com/the-first-siberian-blast-in-europe-already-at-the-end-of-august-the-first-frosts-and-ground-frosts-in-valleys-and-basins//.
Now, we should update the outlook for Europe and it appears, that the coldest forecasts are fulfilling.
Maximum temperatures only +10/+15°C should appear in the next period across all continental Europe, the Baltic region, and northern Balkan, including heavy rain, winds, and cloudiness. Probably the most of cold days are waiting Germany and the Alpine and Carpathian region, where maximum temperatures like these are forecasted for 5-7 days regionally. In Lapland, Scandinavia, and Finland, maximum temperatures should locally reach only +3/+7°C and snowing should appear.
Estimates of minimum temperatures for frost basins and valleys are -6°C for Scandinavia (already on Monday, 23. August 2021), +1°C for France and Central Europe, +2°C for Baltic states and British Islands, +4°C for Iberia and Balkan, and in early September 2021, the first ground frosts should surprise basins in Turkey, too. It needs to say, that in frost valleys are often minimum temperatures a few degrees lower such as on GFS outputs /below/, approximately around 3°C.
Possible activities associated with coldwave we mentioned in previous articles – it will be good to prepare warm clothes, protect sensitive plants in valleys or frost basins, count with wind, cold, rain or snow in the mountains during touristic activities and too, the virologic situation should worse (maximum outbreaks are during cold seasons/periods worldwide).
It appears that summer, or in the south tropical days will return in the first September decade – we will inform you about it as soon as possible.
We will watch possible cold temperature records in the next period in Europe, too, therefore stay watch the weather furthermore with us.

Source: wxcharts.com

Source: wetterzentrale.de