After historically hot Tuesday, 22. June 2021 /Žlobin, Belarus: +35,7°C! All-time June national record! – mkweather/ has arrived even hotter 23. June 2021, with unbelievable maximum temperature +37,1°C in Belarus, what is 1,5°C higher temperature such as all-time national record for June in the country.
All-time national record was overame in Estonia, too (+35,2°C – the next Mkweather article), in Finland 0,2°C was missing (+33,6°C). In Sweden, +34,6°C was in previous week measured, what is new all-time June record for the country. /Finland is expecting +36°C, Estonia +37°C on Tuesday, all-time national records have values +37,2°C and +35,6°C – mkweather; Sweden: The hottest June day since 1947, +34,6°C! – mkweather/
+35,9°C in St. Petersburg and +34,8°C in Moscow from Wednesday are too all-time June records for cities for June 2021 (the next article).
Extremely hot weather, with +20°C in 850hPa near southern border, is expected for Thursday, 24. June, too.
Extremely hot weather, with temperatures very close to +40°C is forecasted until Friday, 25. June 2021 for western, until Sunday, 27. June 2021 for eastern Ukraine, too.
In Slovakia, +38°C, in Hungary +40°C and in Romania +41°C is for Thursday, 24. June forecasted, while Moscow should suffer the next historically hot days until Friday, 27. June, with maximum temperatures up to +36°C /Moscow expects +36°C – the hottest June day in history! Verkhoyansk with the highest all-time ground temperature, +48°C! – mkweather/.
In St. Petersburg even, hot supertropical nights (above +25,0°C) appeared /St. Petersburg with a supertropical night! Temperature didn´t drop below +25,0°C! – mkweather/.
Eastern Poland and Latvia have on Thursday, 24. June 2021 still valid weather warnings of 3rd level before severe storms and they should hit western Belarus, too /Red warnings for Europe! +40/+47°C for Italy, Greece, Balkan and Hungary and severe storms in Poland and Baltic region on Thursday, 24. June 2021! – mkweather/. Storms should soon hit all territory of Belarus, with regional severe impacts /Breaking! Trough Europe are shifting extreme storms! Floods, large hails, gusting winds and damaging lighting! – mkweather/.

Source: wxcharts.com