Continental Europe: A peak of Winter 2021/2022 is still forecast, a week-lasting cold blast with temperatures below -20°C between 19.-26. January is possible

-20°C should be broken already in the next 3 mornings (11.-13. January 2022), especially in East-Central Europe.
After warmer runs, the next very cold runs of GFS for the period 19.-26. January 2022 were outputted.
In the last articles we were informed about a possible peak of Winter 2021/2022 in many parts of Europe just around this period /;;
Although, currently it is looking “only” as frosts below -20°C, maximally very rarely up to -25°C in valleys and basins below 1000 MASL, with very good conditions (deep snow cover, position on the backside of pressure high in very dry air, calm winds, clear skies,…), a prolonged period should be considered such as the peak of winter.
Severe frosts should persist above the Central-European region according to current materials for more than 1 week, which should cause problems near outdoor activities, worsen a virological situation,. or other health issues (heart attack, hypothermia,…).
The good is, that blizzard conditions are forecasted only in mountainous regions or N/E Poland, so far, and power outages, uprooted trees, or problems in travel, therefore, should have only regional character.
-20,0°C and lower temperatures should be reached practically in all countries in continental Europe from eastern France to western Ukraine.
The highest probability of -20/-25°C temperatures is in Alpine, Carpathian, and Czechian Massif valleys, NE Poland should surprise, too.
Winter 2021/2022 however will end very prematurely, because already from around 31. January, during all February and March 2022, a strong NAO+ phase is, for now, forecast, with early-spring conditions across the Mediterranean and European mid-latitudes /;
On the other hand, late-season frosts or snowfall are according to Mkweather Spring 2022 forecast, possible (very bad effect to harvest in 2022) /, before a strong Central-European monsoon in the second half of Spring 2022.



